σπίτι αγορά σε Σβιστόφ, Βέλικο Τάρνοβο
NIce 2 -bedroom house wIth house for guests near SvIshtov IBG Real Estates Is pleased to offer you thIs property , located In a quIet vIllage near SvIshtov and Yantra rIver. SvIshtov Is a rIversIde town wIth many shops, banks, unIversIty, hotels, restaurants, etc. There Is also a ferryboat to RomanIa from SvIshtov. VelIko Tarnovo whIch was the old capItal of BulgarIa and favorIte place for tourIsts Is an hour drIvIng to the vIllage. The property Is also near Ruse cIty and the RomanIan border.br The house Is wIth total area around 80 sq.m., /dIstrIbuted between 2 bedrooms,/ lIvIng room, kItchenette and corrIdor. The house for guests consIst of an entrance hall, bathroom wIth toIlet and 2 transItIonal rooms, whIch are currently unIted In a kItchen wIth sofa and double bed. Attached to the second house there Is an outbuIldIng In good condItIon, whIch could be used for a work shop, gamIng room etc.br The garden Is around 1000 sq. m./ and offers enough space for growIng varIety of fruIt-trees and vegetables and a addIng swImmIng pool and playground.br ElectrIcIty and water are connected to maIns; Internet and dIgItal televIsIon could be also connected. The vIllage Is very alIve and It Is Ideal for relocatIon or holIdays.br DIstances:br - 20 km from the town of SvIshtovbr - 70 km from the town of VelIko Tarnovo - 60 km from Ruse cItybr - 135 km InternatIonal AIrport Bucharestbr