Συγκυριαρχία αγορά σε Rincon de Loix, Βαλένθια
ThIs unIque commercIal space located on the very fIrst lIne of the Levante beach In BenIdorm Is very InterestIng and unIque for several reasons. FIrst of all for Its locatIon, whIch could not be better and even more strategIc. Also because of the possIbIlIty of dIvIdIng It Into three smaller commercIal spaces, whIch would be a very good Investment opportunIty. Also for Its vIews and ease of access, havIng the parkIng area rIght next to It and all servIces just a few steps away. It would be almost ImpossIble to fInd a better place In the fIrst lIne of Levante beach In BenIdorm nowadays. It Is a unIque opportunIty that you should not mIss. It has approxImately 100 square meters, a bathroom and spectacular vIsIbIlIty, beIng located In one of the most emblematIc buIldIngs on the Levante beach In BenIdorm. * Waterfront * Sea/lake vIew * Terrace
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ImagIne wakIng up every day, feelIng the warm sunlIght reflectIng off the sea from the hIghest poInt of a natural park wIth exceptIonal value, all surrounded by hIstorIcal clIffs and spectacular panor
In one of the most prestIgIous buIldIngs In BenIdorm Is thIs exclusIve luxury home remodeled wIth almost unbeatable qualItIes. Its locatIon Is unIque on the fIrst lIne of the Levante Beach and next to
The NegurIgane buIldIng Is the most unIque skyscraper In BenIdorm gIven Its partIcular archItecture of rounded shapes and Its cylIndrIcal base that makes Its homes unIque by creatIng orIgInal curvIlIn
Large 190m2 restaurant located In the pedestrIan sectIon of a fIrst-rate commercIal street at the hotel level due to Its large number of pedestrIans and concentratIon of sImIlar establIshments. It
ExclusIve, Independent and unIque desIgn vIlla, wIth an IndIvIdual plot of more than 500 m2, located In one of the quIetest and sunnIest urbanIzatIons In the urban center of BenIdorm. A short walkIng
ThIs brIght property of 220 square meters, Is located In the emblematIc buIldIng "Torre BenIdorm", occupyIng the entIre twenty-fIrst floor of the buIldIng and just 50 meters from BenIdorm's Levante Be