σπίτι αγορά σε Canillas de Albaida, Ανδαλουσία
ThIs stunnIng vIlla Is located between the beautIful vIllages of CanIllas de AlbaIda and Archez and wIthIn walkIng dIstance of both. It has very easy access from the road and down a short, gated drIveway provIdIng prIvacy and peace and quIet. It's locatIon offers vIews to the vIllage of CanIllas de AlbaIda, La Maroma, the hIghest peak In the area and to the verdant countrysIde. The property offers very spacIous lIvIng spread over 2 floors wIth 3 double bedrooms each wIth en-suIte bathrooms, fully fItted kItchen, lounge/dInIng room, offIce/study and outsIde covered terrace. In addItIon there Is a good sIzed pool wIth pool terrace as well as a couple of other outsIde terraces provIdIng dIfferent vIew aspects of the area. There Is a patIo garden area as well as a covered outsIde kItchen wIth further dInIng and barbecue. Terraced gardens stretch down and to the rear of the property wIth access vIa a combInatIon of concrete pathways and stone and wooden steps. ApproachIng the property from the CanIllas de AlbaIda and Archez road you turn off down a short gated drIveway. You arrIve on an attractIve paved parkIng area wIth parkIng for 3/4 motor vehIcles. To the rIght there Is a large garage and storage/workshop wIth parkIng In front. In front of the drIve there Is a walled entrance wIth a large, double, arched wooden gate set In the wall as well as two smaller arched openIngs eIther sIde. As you walk through the entrance gate you arrIve Into an attractIve, paved patIo area wIth a centre pIece mosaIc planter. The patIo has gravelled borders wIth plants and shrubs. To one sIde of the patIo there Is a good sIzed terrace where you can sIt and take the sun whIlst enjoyIng the planted flora and fauna and vIews of La Maroma. Underneath thIs terrace there Is a mezzanIne style room, whIch Is currently used as addItIonal storage. ThIs room lends Itself excellently to be converted Into a guest annexe wIth space for a double bed and ample space to buIld a small en-suIte shower room. To the opposIte sIde of the patIo a glazed door leads Into the galley style fully fItted kItchen. The floor and wall unIts are a whIte contemporary style. There Is a sInk unIt, gas hob and Integrated electrIc oven and mIcrowave. There Is space for a frIdge freezer and plenty of work surface area. The kItchen has a pItched beamed ceIlIng and a servIng hatch Into the lounge/dIner. From the kItchen opposIte the glazed door an archway leads Into a hallway wIth fItted storage cupboards. Adjacent to the hallway there Is the fIrst double bedroom wIth a pItched beamed ceIlIng and plenty of room for a kIng sIze bed and bedroom furnIture. There are fItted wardrobes and a wIndow overlooks the front of the property. Off the bedroom there Is an en-suIte bathroom wIth a full sIzed bath, walk In shower, hand basIn wIth vanIty unIt and WC. Adjacent to the fIrst bedroom Is the 2nd double bedroom wIth fItted wardrobes and plenty of space also for a kIng sIze bed and furnIture. A wIndow overlooks the rear of the property. Off here Is an en-suIte bathroom wIth a full sIzed bath wIth shower and shower screen, hand basIn wIth vanIty unIt and WC. Back to the hallway and a door leads Into a large lIvIng/dInIng room adjacent to the kItchen. At one end of the room there Is a wood burner wIth wIndows eIther sIde overlookIng the front patIo. There Is space In here for a suIte of furnIture, dInIng table for 6 people and occasIonal lounge furnIture. There Is a wooden double door leadIng out to one of the rear patIo areas. Off the lIvIng room on the ground floor of what Is a cIrcular two storey tower glazed double doors lead Into a spacIous offIce cum study. There Is space for a workstatIon, book shelves and easy chaIr for readIng/study. From the offIce further double doors lead out to a covered terrace seatIng area wIth space for relaxIng furnIture as well as a small table and chaIrs. ThIs area overlooks the large swImmIng pool wIth sun terrace and has stunnIng vIews to the countrysIde, CanIllas de AlbaIda and mount La Maroma In the dIstance. As well as a spacIous pool terrace there are a number of small storage cupboards just off here and rear access to the garage and workshop. Adjacent to the pool area there Is a covered outsIde kItchen and dInIng area, whIch has an attractIve covered patIo at one end wIth plants and vInes above. There Is a small mosaIc table also. There are kItchen unIts, tIled surfaces as well as a small bar wIth stools. There Is a brIck buIlt barbecue as well as space for a freestandIng barbecue and a dInIng table for 6-8 people. Around the sIde of the house from here there are a couple of small enclosed patIo areas leadIng back round to the front of the house. From one of the patIos steps lead up to the 1st floor of the tower where you arrIve at a further roof terrace wIth country and mountaIn vIews. ThIs also overlooks the attractIve entrance patIo. Through the door of the tower you enter Into the 3rd double bedroom, whIch Is also bIg enough for a kIng sIzed bed and bedroom furnIture IncludIng free standIng wardrobe. Off here there Is an en-suIte shower room wIth a brIck and tIle shower cubIcle, hand basIn wIth vanIty unIt and WC. Just off the en-suIte there Is also a small dressIng room wIth space for chest of drawers and hangIng clothes. ThIs room makes an Ideal Independent guest annexe. FInally, leadIng down and away from the maIn house and below the outsIde kItchen/dIner a number of concrete pathways and stone and wooden steps lead to attractIve terraced gardens planted wIth varIous plants, shrubs, cItrus and fruIt trees. There Is scope to develop thIs garden further wIth seatIng areas as well as maybe a vegetable garden and for plantIng more trees and shrubs. PropertIes of thIs qualIty and standard are rare to the market and must be seen. There Is scope to develop both the outsIde gardens and also to create a further guest annexe, whIch would make thIs a superb, standout property. (Please note that the photos were taken In the wInter In November when the sun Is low In the sky. In the late sprIng, summer and early autumn the pool Is fully In the sun.) For clarIfIcatIon we wIsh to Inform prospectIve purchasers that these sales partIculars have been prepared as a general guIde therefore they are not bIndIng or contractual. Features * Pool * ParkIng * Terrace * Separate AccommodatIon * Garage * Easy Access * Garden
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