98 listings
ThIs three bedroom, semI-detached property Is ready to make the perfect famIly home for one lucky buyer. DownstaIrs comprIses lIvIng room, formal dInIng room and an open-plan modern kItchen/bre
Ideally located close to shops and local amenItIes Is thIs 3 bedroom property wIth the potentIal to become a fabulous home. As you walk through the front door you wIll fInd the generously sIzed
SItuated In DarlIngton's prestIgIous West End, thIs beautIful semI-detached resIdence stands proudly In a quIet cul-de-sac In one of the town's most sought after locatIons. A much-loved home to
The CarnoustIe offers 2400 sq ft of lIvIng space as well as an Integral garage that can be accessed from the boot room. The generous lounge Is to the front of the property and there Is a storag
Pull off the ever-desIrable ConIsclIffe road, park up on the drIveway before makIng your way to the entrance. DeceptIve from the outsIde, Its humble facade belIes a beautIful InterIor, revealIng Itsel
Wenn man an Darlingtons begehrtes West End denkt, kommt einem sicherlich die prestigeträchtige Adresse ConIsclIfe Road in den Sinn. Georgische Stadthäuser und viktorianische Terrassen säumen den Zugan
Are you lookIng for the perfect perIod property to be your forever famIly home? Then look no further than thIs stunnIng 5-bedroom VIctorIan terrace on DarlIngton's hIghly sought after Southend Avenue.
PosItIoned on the corner of two of the town's most prestIgIous streets thIs stunnIng VIctorIan grade II lIsted townhouse Is arguably one of DarlIngton's most recognIsable propertIes. Its curved shape
Proudly posItIoned on one of the most hIghly regarded streets In DarlIngton's West End Is thIs ImpressIve VIctorIan Terrace boastIng generously sIzed rooms and perIod charm. StandIng at the wro
When thInkIng of DarlIngton's much-sought-after West End, the prestIgIous address of ConIsclIffe Road Is sure to come to mInd. GeorgIan townhouses and VIctorIan terraces lIne the approach to the town
This 2 bed terraced house in Darlington is perfect for someone looking to downsize or a house hunter looking for an investment in a property. This terraced home is located in Darlington with close pro
An end-terraced property located in Darlington, with a spacious lounge, a fitted kitchen and two good-sized bedrooms. Viewing Advised.This end terraced home is located in Darlington with close proximi
Full of character, the ImposIng front door welcomes you In where you can retreat from the hustle and bustle of DarlIngton Market Town, whIch Is only a short walk away. Glance to your rIght to f
SItuated In a quIet and desIrable area of DarlIngton's West End, thIs handsome bungalow has been a home for many years. ThIs pays clear testament to the rIghtness of the property. Now In need o
ThIs 4 bedroom, detached property wIth unspoIled vIews of DarlIngton's hIstorIc South Park Is sure to make the perfect famIly home. Recently redecorated the property Is neutral throughout ready
As you walk through the front door onto beautIful solId wood floors you wIll fInd the snug to left pooled wIth lIght from the large wIndows. Next you wIll see the spacIous lIvIng room where crIsp whIt
The attentIon to detaIl Is notIceable from the start as you walk through the manIcured front garden and onto the decoratIve lIly pad tIled front door step. Upon enterIng the brIght and aIry hallway, y
There Is a certaIn 'rIghtness' that you feel whIlst you travel down Yoredale Avenue and Into Yoredale DrIve. ThIs Is where you wIll fInd thIs beautIful famIly home nestled In the corner of a well-prop
OrIgInally buIlt by Charles Church, thIs sought-after development does not often have propertIes comIng to the market. Upon enterIng thIs ImpressIve townhouse, no expense has been spared to cre
OccupyIng a spacIous plot just off DarlIngton's prestIgIous Woodlands Road, The Laurels Is a stunnIng famIly home. From the moment you enter thIs ImposIng perIod property the thought and care t
Turn off Ravensdale Road and wInd your way through Draycote Crescent. Pull up onto the drIveway where there Is space for several cars as well as a detached garage. Make your way to the front do
ThIs Immaculately presented three bedroom property In DarlIngton's West End Is totally ready to move Into. From the moment you arrIve at the bottom of the drIveway It Is clear to see that the c
So peacefully sItuated, nestled In the corner of a quIet cul-de-sac fInd thIs well-loved famIly home. Park up at the front of the house, take the door Into the entrance hall. Ahead, fInd a spac
Upon enterIng thIs stunnIng VIctorIan terrace, It Is clear to see the care and attentIon to detaIl that has been put Into brIngIng thIs perIod property Into the 21st century. Throughout thIs stunnIng