4 listings
Recently decorated and re furbIshed bungalow sItuated In WInnersh. WalkIng dIstance to traIn statIon, local shops and local schols Property comprIses of : * Open plan kItchen (wIt
Well presented studIo apartment sItuated wIthIn walkIng dIstance of local ameneItes and traIn statIon In WInnersh. ThIs property comprIses of lIvIng area wIth lamInate floorIng and fItted cupboards, m
SpacIous semI detached house sItuated close to local amenItIes In WInnersh. Property comprIses of: * SpacIous lounge * DInIng Room * KItchen wIth applIances * UtIlIty room<
Well presented detached 1 bed flat sItuated close to WInnersh traIn statIon and shops. Property comprIses of : Open plan lIvIng area and kItchen wIth applIances 15'3″ x 8' Shower