Haus kaufen in Atalanti, Sterea Ellada
"For sale in Lokron, Greece, a charming 82 square meter detached house in good condition. This cozy property features 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, and 1 parking spot. Situated in Fthiotida, Lokron, this home offers independent heating and was constructed in 1990. Perfect for those seeking a peaceful retreat in a lovely location. Code: #781." To stay updated on all the latest properties in the market, visit [hidden]. By registering for free on our website, you unlock extra photographic material and videos, information about the location of properties, and access to a hidden portfolio that is not uploaded to portals. Follow ReWize on Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok to see daily updates on all the properties that interest you. (+30) 2311 24 15 60