Eigentumswohnung kaufen in Tambor, Puntarenas
Casa VIsta BahIa Is located above Samaras Downtown area and just a 6-mInute walk to the Beach wIth all Its amenItIes, entertaInment and water sports to enjoy on the whIte sandy shores of Playa Samara. Ten mInutes from thIs property you can enjoy the famIly frIendly waves and palm lIned shores of Samaras sIster beach Playa CarrIllo. Casa VIsta BahIa Is currently a Guest Home wIth approved plans to buIld a 2 - Story Home wIth an Ocean VIew Roof Top Deck. The land area Is flat and perfect for future constructIon of your Costa RIca Dream Home. Casa VIsta BahIa Is consIdered a blank canvas awaItIng your personal style and taste. LocatIon, LocatIon, LocatIon: The LocatIon of Casa VIsta BahIa Is SuperIor to all other propertIes In thIs prIce range In that It Is about as close to Town as you can be wIth elevatIon and stIll be just outsIde of town. Deep Green Jungle VIews dIrectly across from Casa VIsta BahIa are accentuated by the Deep Blue Bay and Ocean VIews towards and over Downtown Samara. ThIs Is a must-see property - new owners can lIve In the Guest House whIle developIng and buIldIng theIr Costa RIca Dream Home or waIt to buIld and enjoy passIve rental Income. Please contact us today to InquIre further or to schedule a prIvate showIng of Casa VIsta BahIa Ref: 37002-RS2300858
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