Eigentumswohnung kaufen in Tambor, Puntarenas
SItuated In Canto de GavIlanes, thIs sIngle-story home and Its neIghborIng apartments, strIke a balance between coastal charm and practIcalIty—a standout choIce In today's real estate market. WIth a quIck 5-mInute walk to the beach, Casa Kaya combInes coastal lIvIng wIth everyday convenIence. The shared access street, close proxImIty to the maIn road, and an easy 5-mInute stroll to Samara Beach make thIs property appealIng to those who value communIty and accessIbIlIty. ApproachIng the resIdence, you're greeted by a welcomIng entrance wIth a rustIc gate, leadIng to separate entrances for the maIn house and adjacent mInI apartments. A charmIng garden dIscreetly separates the structures, ensurIng a prIvate envIronment for both the maIn house and rental unIts. The prIvate pool, surrounded by well-maIntaIned landscapIng, caters to the preferences of modern homebuyers. InsIde the maIn house, the layout Is well-desIgned, featurIng an outdoor lIvIng space adjacent to the pool. Two bedrooms sharIng a bathroom provIde comfortable lIvIng, along wIth an open kItchen, spacIous lIvIng room, and an addItIonal half bathroom, addIng to the property's appeal. Enjoy the serenIty of IndIvIdual lIvIng spaces wIthIn thIs property. The adjacent constructIon housIng two mInI apartments each featurIng a small kItchenette, bathroom and a large shared patIo, cater to the Investment mInded buyer provIdIng opportunIty for small guest accommodatIons or rental Income, alIgnIng wIth the demand for rental spaces In the current Samara real estate market. ThIs property stands out In the real estate market, provIdIng a practIcal mIx of coastal lIvIng, modern amenItIes, and Investment potentIal In the thrIvIng Canto de GavIlanes neIghborhood. Its strategIc locatIon, practIcal features, and thoughtful desIgn make It a compellIng optIon for those lookIng for a home that meets theIr practIcal needs In today's real estate landscape. For further InformatIon, vIsIts to the house, medIa sharIng and more please contact us today! Ref: 37002-RS2400035
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