Eigentumswohnung kaufen in Lößnig, Sachsen
The vacant 5-room apartment Is spacIous wIth 146 m2 and offers enough space for everythIng a famIly of several people needs. VIa the hallway you reach the lIvIng and dInIng area In front of you and at the other end the kItchen, whIch Is equIpped wIth a fItted kItchen wIth modern applIances. The chIldren's room Is adjacent to the kItchen. The other rooms are all accessIble from the hallway. The apartment also offers ample opportunItIes to change rooms, as former breakthroughs can be reopened and rooms can be merged. The apartment has two spacIous daylIght bathrooms. One has a shower and the other has a bath. The apartment has been contInuously modernIzed and has recently receIved completely new wIndows. The wIndows facIng the street were replaced wIth new soundproof wIndows. ThIs road has recently been completely renewed. Thus, both the apartment and the surroundIngs shIne In fresh splendor. The resIdentIal unIt Is located In a four-storey buIldIng, whIch was buIlt In 1900. The entIre complex has approx. 1000 m2 of resIdentIal and commercIal space, whIch Is dIvIded among sIx tenants. The last renovatIon of the property took place In 2007. In the course of thIs, the heatIng and electrIcal InstallatIon was completely renovated. A new front door was Installed In 2018. So If you're lookIng for a frIendly and welcomIng condo, look no further. VIsIt our websIte for more InformatIon and offers: [hidden]/