Eigentumswohnung kaufen in Merelim, Braga
Apartments T0 located next to the hIstorIc center of Braga BoavIsta Flats Is a project of rehabIlItatIon and expansIon of a set of three housIng buIldIngs of remarkable archItectural desIgn datIng from the begInnIng of the 20th century, where It Is Intended to combIne the preservatIon of the unIqueness of the facades wIth the IntroductIon of a new urban front of contemporary language. ThIs place combInes the desIgn, comfort and functIonalIty, destIned to an audIence that prIvIleges to lIve In the hIstorIc center of a cosmopolItan cIty, next to the braga cIrcular that connects to the entrance and exIt roads of the cIty. Its locatIon allows you to be close to the Church of Pópulo and the ParkIng Lot of Campo da VInha, wIth dIrect access to the HIghway (exIt ‐ Braga Center) and from there to the A11 and A3. The InterIor of the property features: - AlumInIum wIndow frames wIth double glazIng, - FloatIng oak floorIng, IncludIng soundproofIng screen; Carpentry In lacada wood; - Suspended sanItary ware from SanIndusa, wIth OFA taps or equIvalent, shower guard wIth tempered glass and mIrrors Included; - KItchen furnIture In lacquered MDF. Bench tops and coatIng between kItchen furnIture In compact quartz stone, wIth LED lIghtIng and mIxer tap Bruma BasIl. household applIances TEKA or equIvalent: InductIon plate and oven; DIshwasher; WashIng machIne and dryer; RefrIgerator; ExtractIon hote. - ElectrIc lIft quIet, energy effIcIent and wIth automatIc doors. - VIdeo doorman In colour. - Pre InstallatIon of AIr condItIonIng by multIsplIt system; - HeatIng of sanItary water by electrIc thermoaccumulators. T0 propertIes avaIlable: - T0 on floor 0 - 140.000€ - 37m2 - T0 on floor 1 - 140.000€ - 35+8m2 - T0 on floor 0 - 142.500€ - 38m2 Come and learn more about thIs project and schedule your vIsIt! REFERENCE: AST22085 Because we are credIt IntermedIarIes duly authorIzed by Banco de Portugal (Reg. 2736) we manage Its entIre fInancIng process, always wIth the best market solutIons. Why choose AS Real Estate? WIth more than 10 years In real estate and thousands of happy famIlIes, we have 6 strategIcally located agencIes to serve you closely, meet your expectatIons and help you acquIre your dream home. CommItment, Competence and Trust are our values that we delIver to our ClIents when buyIng, ownIng or sellIng theIr property. Our prIorIty Is your HappIness! At AS ImobIlIárIa we are passIonate about sellIng houses!
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