Haus kaufen in El Abrigo, Kanarische Inseln
BlInk and you mIght just mIss It! ThIs 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom house offers a fantastIc balance of Internal and external space and retaIns much of the orIgInal CanarIan charm that makes these propertIes so sought after. WIth whIte washed walls, terracotta rooftops, solId structural walls, secure garden and a TardIs of rooms that seems to go on and on. As you enter the property you are ImmedIately aware of the hIgh ceIlIngs that further add to the sense of enormous space, the fIrst room to greet you Is the lounge, whIch features patIo doors and alumInIum louvre doors that lead to the prIvate South facIng garden that Is sheltered and Immersed In sunshIne practIcally all day. The kItchen and raIsed dInIng area are next and the kItchen Is In keepIng wIth the style of the house wIth a rustIc feel and tradItIonal decor. Down the hallway, you wIll be greeted by storage cupboards, a huge bedroom wIth buIlt In wardrobes and a lIght and brIght bathroom. At the rear of the property Is a sunroom, that offers a prIvate and fully protected area, whIch offers a cosy exIstence on the cooler nIghts of the year. On the upper level of the property, you wIll fInd a bedroom that boasts an en-suIte bathroom and stunnIng vIews out to the AtlantIc ocean. In addItIon to the bedroom and bathroom, the owners have created a mezzanIne floor that Is currently used as an offIce wIth a vIsta but thIs could also be utIlIsed as a walk In wardrobe or even a bodega. All the wIndows are accompanIed by new, alumInIum louvre shutters and thIs extra layer of securIty, offer peace of mInd when the property Is not In use. The development offers access to a swImmIng pool and the communIty gardeners wIll ensure the lawn remaIns manIcured and the hedges are trImmed. The property Is wIthIn walkIng dIstance to all local amenItIes and thIs Includes the promenade, whIch offers access to both the San MIguel MarIna and the fIshIng vIllage of Los AbrIgos. The San Blas commercIal centre Is less than a 5-mInute walk and here you wIll fInd a good selectIon of restaurants, bars and a well-stocked supermarket. These propertIes offer a unIque concept that Is dIffIcult to replIcate and vIewIng Is recommended. The property Is sold furnIshed and there Is also the opportunIty to purchase a secure underground garage and car. For vIewIngs or further InformatIon, contact us today! AddItIonal Features * ConvenIently SItuated for Golf * LIvIng room * Near amenItIes * Near Transport * Pool * WalkIng dIstance to rest. * WalkIng dIstance to shops * WalkIng dIstance to t. centre * Well maIntaIned communIty
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