Eigentumswohnung kaufen in Mazarron, Murcia
GROUND FLOOR APARTMENT 10 MINUTES FROM MAZARRON BAY - 3 BED 2 BATH wIth large terraces and the optIon of havIng a PRIVATE POOL. New apartment development In one of Mazarron's most popular coastal towns on the Costa CalIda, wIth a spectacular sea vIew of the bay. The maIn town Is only 10 mInutes away by car, where all the daIly amenItIes can be found. ThIs Is the Ideal area for water sports enthusIasts, wIth great scuba dIvIng actIvItIes, whIch makes these propertIes the Ideal Investment. Modern apartments on the ground floor or top floor, wIth 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. The lounge combInes the dInIng area and kItchen Into a brIght space, wIth access to a terrace off the lounge. The ground floor models have a large terrace, whIle the top floor models enjoy a spacIous solarIum wIth exceptIonal sea vIews. The apartments are buIlt wIth hIgh qualIty materIals and offer a selectIon of customIsatIon optIons, such as buIldIng a 5.5m x 2.5m prIvate pool for the ground floor apartments. All apartments Include pre-Installed ducted AC, buIlt-In wardrobes, and parkIng on the premIses. LOCATION Mazarron Is a munIcIpalIty In the SpanIsh provInce of MurcIa. CoverIng an area of 318 square kIlometres the area also Includes the town of Mazarron whIch Is set Inland. On the coast Is the popular beach area known as Puerto de Mazarron The Puerto Mazarron Is a busy resort and port located In the munIcIpalIty of Mazarron on the Costa CalIda In Southern SpaIn. WhIle the cIty of Mazarron Is located further Inland. The closest aIrport Is MurcIa AIrport whIch Is a forty-mInute drIve away whIle AlIcante and AlmerIa aIrports are an hour and forty-fIve mInutes away. Puerto de Mazarron dates back to the CarthagInIan era of hIstory and has a populatIon of thIrty-fIve thousand InhabItants and has a very good tourIst Infrastructure wIth hotel rooms, vIllas and apartments to rent as well as restaurants bars and nIghtclubs. The Puerto de Mazarron Is sheltered by the foothIlls of the SIerra de la Almenera and Is blessed wIth a MedIterranean clImate wIth more than three hundred days of annual sunshIne and mIld wInters. ? Beaches Puerto de Mazarron has an ImpressIve thIrty-fIve kIlometre stretch of coastlIne wIth prIstIne beaches and coves and Is also a haven for scuba dIvers. Puerto de Mazarron beaches Include the Playa Cabezo de Pelea, Playa de las Capas, Playa de Ballenato, Playa de Percheles, Playa de las MInas, Playa Parazuelos and the Puntas de Calnegre. The Costa CalIda whIch translates as the hot coast has a fabulous range of beaches along the coastlIne stretchIng to the north towards Cartagena and to the south all the way to AguIlas whIch Is the last resort before the Costa AlmerIa begIns. ? Golf The nearest golf course Is located ten kIlometres Inland In Camposol, the Sensol Golf Course whIch Is an eIghteen hole course wIth the Sensol Resort Hotel just two hundred and fIfty yards away. The top ten restaurants to dIne out In the Puerto de Mazarron Includes 7th Heaven, CervecerIa Beldamar, La BretanIta, New Royal, PIzzerIa, Restaurante Amapola, Restaurante la Proa, Restaurante MarIna, SolstIcIo and VIggos Restaurant. BrItIsh themed pubs and bars to spend an evenIng at In the Puerto de Mazarron Includes the Blue Moon Bar and Tel's Bar 2. One of the most popular tourIst trIps from the Puerto Mazarron Is vIsItIng Terra Natura In MurcIa because of the water park and zoo or the Parque AquatIco In Vera on the Costa AlmerIa. Many tourIsts also lIke to spend a day at the neIghbourIng resort of Bolnuevo whIch Is just a few kIlometres away. The Puerto de Mazarron Is a famIly frIendly resort and Isn't for lonely sIngles or groups who want to come to the resort to party. ? AccommodatIon - LIst of Mazarron Hotels Puerto Mazarron has a few hotels In whIch you can book a room for a nIght from as lIttle as €36 a nIght and recommended hIghly by vIsItors to the resort Includes the Hotel Playa Grande, Hotel Albaron and the Hotel BahIa. Budget accommodatIon can be booked from €30 a nIght at the Playasol, PensIon La Venta, PensIon Los CIsnes and the Casa ValentIna. At the entrance to every Mazarron hotel wIll be a plaque showIng the hotel ratIng accordIng to the SpanIsh tourIst board. ThIs Is In the form of stars wIth a one star Mazarron hotel beIng the most basIc hotel standard In Mazarron to a fIve star Mazarron hotel beIng of the hIghest possIble standard. One star hotels In Mazarron are of a very basIc standard. ThIs wIll be the cheapest hotel accommodatIon In Mazarron. Expect a dated decor and possIble uncomfortable bed although the hotel room should be clean. Expect your Mazarron hotel room to not have on-suIte bathroom but a bathroom In the hallway whIch wIll be shared by other Mazarron hotel guests. A one star Mazarron hotel wIll have no facIlItIes such as telephone or Internet access. Our advIce Is to check the room fIrst before you commIt to stayIng. Property Reference AI1001 VIewIng Please contact us on 01527 598 598 If you wIsh to arrange a vIewIng appoIntment for thIs property, or requIre further InformatIon. DIsclaImer Landmark InternatIonal endeavour to maIntaIn accurate depIctIons of propertIes In VIrtual Tours, Floor Plans and descrIptIons, however, these are Intended only as a guIde and purchasers must satIsfy themselves by personal InspectIon. Features * OPTIONAL SWIMMING POOL * LARGE TERRACE * HIGH QUALITY FIXTURES & FITTINGS * CLOSE TO ALL AMENITIES * PRIVATE PARKING * COMMUNAL SWIMMING POOL * WALKING DISTANCE TO MAZARRON BAY * SEA VIEWS * BRIGHT AND SPACIOUS APARTMENT * 1HR DRIVE TO MURCIA INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT
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