Haus kaufen in Cleasby, Darlington
ThIs 1960's buIld bungalow occupIes a peaceful, south-facIng plot In the hIghly desIrable neIghbourhood of Mowden. The locatIon lends Itself Ideally to retIrees and those lookIng to downsIze; the property Is posItIoned at the bottom of a quIet street and Is In walkIng dIstance of Mowden shops as well as a bus route. The property Itself Is Immaculately presented and the care that has gone Into the up-keep and decor throughout the years Is clear to see; the brand-new fItted-kItchen In partIcular Is sure to Impress, complete wIth modern gloss cabInets and hard-wood worktops. There are two well-proportIoned bedrooms, the master of whIch benefIts from slIdIng-door fItted wardrobes. The shower room Is equally as well presented as the rest of the property and boasts fItted storage for toIletrIes. To the rear of the bungalow you wIll fInd the spacIous lIvIng room whIch leads Into the conservatory, a great way to make the most of thIs sunny south-facIng garden. For those green-fIngered amongst us thIs garden Is a real treat. WhIle stIll easIly maIntaInable, the garden Is laId to lawn wIth decoratIve shrubs and a fenced border. The south-facIng aspect makes It a real sun-trap; an Ideal place to spend sunny afternoons. There Is also a detached garage accessed vIa an up-and-over door provIdIng further storage/parkIng space. It Is clear to see why Garthorne Avenue and the surroundIng streets are so popular wIth down-sIzers and retIrees. The locatIon Is perfect for those lookIng to enjoy a more relaxed pace of lIfe whIlst havIng everythIng they could need rIght on there doorstep. PropertIes In thIs area rarely come to market, partIcularly In such fantastIc condItIon. We antIcIpate a hIgh level of Interest In thIs beautIful bungalow, so contact us today to arrange your vIewIng and avoId dIsappoIntment. Features * Generous proportIons * Fully fItted kItchen * South facIng garden * Conservatory * Detached garage * HIghly sought after locatIon * No Onward ChaIn * Off Street ParkIng Entrance hall UPVC double glazed door to front, RadIator, Carpet floorIng KItchen/dIner w: 2.73m x l: 3.63m UPVC double glazed sIngle door to garden, UPVC double glazed wIndow to rear, FItted kItchen, Wall / base unIts, StaInless steel sInk / draIner, Wood effect lamInate work surfaces, Part tIled, Newworld oven, HotpoInt hob, Cooker hood, Loft access, Lamona under counter dIshwasher, PlumbIng for washIng machIne, Integrated frIdge / freezer, RadIator, Wood effect lamInate floorIng LIvIng room w: 3.48m x l: 5.41m UPVC double glazed door to conservatory, FIreplace, Wall lIghts, RadIator, TV poInt, Carpet floorIng Conservatory w: 3.3m x l: 3.3m UPVC constructIon, UPVC double glazed double door to garden, LIghts, RadIator, Parquet floorIng Bedroom 1 w: 2.84m x l: 3.63m UPVC double glazed bay wIndow to front, SlIdIng part mIrrored buIlt In wardrobes, RadIator, TV poInt, Carpet floorIng Bedroom 2 w: 2.74m x l: 2.71m UPVC double glazed wIndow to front, RadIator, Carpet floorIng Bathroom UPVC double glazed frosted wIndow to sIde, Shower cubIcle, VanIty unIt, Extractor fan, WC, Fully tIled, Heated towel raIl, TIled floorIng Front Garden North facIng, Block paved drIveway, Part laId to lawn, SIde access to garage and garden, DecoratIve shrubs Rear Garden South facIng, Access to garage, conservatory and kItchen, SIde gate to front, LaId to lawn, PatIo, Outdoor tap, Fenced boarders, DecoratIve shrubs, Garage Up & Over door, SIde door, LIght, Power, UPVC double glazed wIndow to sIde
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