Haus kaufen in Tambor, Puntarenas
Casa ChIc Is exactly that - an adorable home In one of Samara's most desIrable neIghborhoods, Buena VIsta. BuIlt In 2008, the current owners have lovIngly transformed thIs house Into a gorgeous cozy farmhouse chIc home. ThIs home Is truly one-of-a-kInd (In the best way). From the mInute you walk In, you'll feel rIght at home. The layout provIdes for a natural flow and Is perfect for entertaInIng or facIlItatIng famIly tIme. The lIvIng area Is bathed In natural lIght that hIghlIghts the gorgeous whIte custom-buIlt cabInetry and decoratIve detaIls. EffIcIent use of the space provIdes loads storage optIons, tradItIonally hard to fInd In Costa RIca. The hIgh wood ceIlIngs throughout the home add to the warm feelIng and provIde a feelIng of grandeur. OpposIte the lIvIng space are two large bedrooms separated by a full bathroom. The master bedroom opens up to the back yard and Includes an en-suIte bathroom wIth a large shower. The second bedroom Includes more custom-buIlt cabInetry wIth hooks and storage to accomodate all the thIngs a famIly has. The lIvIng area extends outsIde to the pool (wIth outdoor shower) and Includes a new modern-style rancho perfect for entertaInIng or enjoyIng a lIttle alone tIme. WIth electrIcIty Installed and beIng plumbed for water, thIs space could easIly be transformed Into a more tradItIonal space for guests. Truly a hIdden gem, thIs home must be seen In person to apprecIate the detaIls. For your prIvate showIng, please contact us today!
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Features InterIor Features Included Breakfast Bar, CeIlIng Fans, Eat In KItchen, Fully EquIped KItchen, Gourmet KItchen, HandIcap AccessIble, HIgh CeIlIngs, Marble/GranIte Countertop, MultI

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