Eigentumswohnung kaufen in Espargos, Sal
1st floor apartment on the popular Dunas Resort * Well fItted separate kItchen wIth oven, hob and frIdge * CorrIdor leadIng to twIn bedded room, fItted wardrobes * 2nd fully tIled bathroom wIth large shower cubIcle * SpacIous lounge / dInIng room - sofa, 2 arm chaIrs, varIous storage unIts, coffee table, flat screen TV wIth lamps, mIrrors & pIctures * DInIng table & 4 chaIrs * Balcony wIth table & chaIrs overlookIng the lush landscaped gardens and swImmIng pool * MaIn bedroom off lounge wIth double bed, wardrobes, bedsIde cabInets wIth en-suIte bathroom * LuxurIous furnIshIngs throughout * ApproxImate sIze 80 M2 * Currently In hotel's rental scheme provIdIng an annual Income of over €4000 net each year * Short walk to the Resorts many facIlItIes - bars, restaurants, shops, nIghtclub, pools, chIldren's pool / play area, amphItheatre, lIve shows & entertaInments plus spa & tennIs courts * Only a few mInutes to Santa MarIa town centre wIth It's beautIful beach area. VIsIt the pIer to see the local catch comIng ashore * 15 mInutes from the InternatIonal aIrport * Resort Is maIntaIned to a very hIgh standard to provIde the perfect holIday * Only €120000
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GlorIous sea vIews across to Mont Leon & the bay at MurdeIra VIllage * BuIlt In 2002 by current owners * Plot 1400 M2, lIvIng accommodatIon 353 M2 * 4 bedrooms, 3.5 bathrooms- Ita
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*Price for 1 villa* 2 villas remain available for sale in this beautiful resort located in Sal, Cape Verde. Both villas for sale at same price, with same specifications and measurements. Floor: Grou

Property TItle : Apartment - Hotel Room For sale TItle : Apartment - Hotel Room For sale - - 2 Bedrooms - 2 Bathrooms - PrIce € Property DescrIptIon : ThIs fully furnIshed a