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Som Giri


Internationale Website

Langjährige Erfahrung: 12 Jahre

Ihr ONE-STOP-Service für alle Ihre Immobilienbedürfnisse Wir bieten Asset Progression und Planung. Wir helfen, Ihr Vermögen zu vermehren, indem wir in Immobilienanlagen investieren und Ihr Geld härter für Sie arbeiten lassen. Dies hilft auch bei der Altersvorsorge und ermöglicht passives Einkommen, finanzielle Freiheit und Seelenfrieden. Property Investment ist auch eine Absicherung gegen Inflati...
Botschaft Som Giri
Automatische Übersetzung von Nachrichten

Bediente Bereiche

  • Singapur



I would want to place my appreciation for Mr Som Giri (Associate Group Director CEA: R018540C) for his customer focus attitude. He has always made sur...

Meticulous explains all relevant clauses and ensures data are timely provided by all parties....

Good service

Thank you!!

HE is very hard working . I am satisfied with his excellent service...

Very supportive and responsible...


Very helpful and efficient agent. Whenever I need tenants, he is able to source without any hesitation, I find him a pleasant and understanding agent....

Very capable agent he is helpful and always able to source for me tenants when in need...


Condo Rental made easy

Som explained everything in a way that was easy to understand with the whole process of listing to agreement The best of all he managed to get a tenan...

Very efficient agent, always very good service, fulfill my requirements at the right time....
