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Oplev den bedste internationale ejendomsmarkedsføring for boliger og erhvervsejendomme. Vælg at købe eller lease på MLSWorldwide.com. Gennemse vores komplette liste over verdensomspændende boliger og forretningsrum, der er tilgængelige til salg og leje.
ThIs perIod famIly property on Church VIew occupIes an elevated posItIon on HeIghIngton VIllage green boastIng breath takIng vIews over the vIllage and the County Durham countrysIde beyond. HeI
OccupyIng an elevated posItIon In one of County Durham's most hIghly sought after vIllages you wIll fInd Church VIew; aptly named due It's stunnIng vIews over the vIllage green and church tower. <b
A very attractive detached property with minimal work required to achieve an enviable level of modernisation throughout, this home is situated on the outskirts of School Aycliffe. Benefitting f