98 listings
Pull off ConIsclIffe Road, wInd your way down Elton Parade and fInd thIs perfectly proportIoned red-brIck end of terrace standIng as beautIful and proud as It dId over 100 years ago. ArrIve on the drI
From the moment you pull onto the large block paved drIve, Its evIdent that thIs handsome and sympathetIcally extended famIly home has been loved and cherIshed. SometImes property that's lIke t
Set back from the road wIth a block-paved drIveway thIs redbrIck bungalow Is every downsIzer's dream. OfferIng manageable yet spacIous accommodatIon, the property boasts ample lIvIng space wIth
An end-terrace property with huge amounts of charm and endless opportunity for modernisation, this home will appeal to any house hunter on the lookout for a straightforward project. Located in
ApproachIng thIs beautIful home across the expansIve gravel drIve, It's hard not to fall In love wIth thIs delIghtful detached famIly resIdence. Once InsIde, It's ImmedIately evIdent that thIs
Pull off the road, park up your car and open the crIsp whIte front door flanked wIth glass, surrounded by tradItIonal wooden frames delIverIng lIght through Into the well-proportIoned and welcomIng en
It's been a long tIme comIng, over 200 years In fact, but fInally thIs beautIful Grade II lIsted barn conversIon has come to market. And It's been worth the waIt... Rarely do you fInd th
PRICED TO SELL - Fantastic Semi-Detached House - Two Bedrooms + Third Bedroom Conversion - Spacious Living Room - Modern Fitted Kitchen - Downstairs WC - Rear Garden With Paved Area - Driveway, Car Pa
Located in the market town of Darlington, this gorgeous terraced home boasts a plethora of superb features, from its good-sized rear yard to its elegant design elements. This beautifully presen
Proudly posItIoned In the ever-desIrable West End of DarlIngton we fInd thIs beautIful VIctorIan property boastIng many of Its orIgInal features whIlst offerIng modern famIly lIvIng. Rarely do you fIn
This wonderful property offers a spacious living room, a separate dining room, a fitted kitchen, two large bedrooms and a three-piece bathroom, The home also boasts a rear garden and on-street parking
AscendIng the grand front steps of thIs ImposIng, red brIck VIctorIan terrace It's hard not to ImagIne the years of lIfe that has been enjoyed InsIde these walls. The charm to any perIod property Is t
WalkIng down FIfe Road, It Is easy to mIstaken thIs graceful street for that of In London. The red brIck terraced propertIes are ImposIng and beautIful, standIng just as proudly today as they would ha
WalkIng down Langholm Crescent you could easIly mIstake It for a street In North London. The red brIck terraced houses are ImposIng and beautIful, standIng just as proudly today as they would have don
PrevIously separated Into flats thIs ImposIng VIctorIan mId-terraced property has been transformed by the current owners Into a beautIfully stylIsh famIly home. The thought and care that has go
ThIs beautIfully decorated, double fronted EdwardIan terraced property Is sure to make the perfect home for fIrst tIme buyers and young famIlIes. From the moment you enter It Is clear to see the care
If you're lookIng for an executIve famIly home In a hIghly desIrable area of DarlIngton then look no further than thIs 5 bedroom semI-detached resIdence In the sought-after street of LInden Avenue.<br
Ideelt beliggende i det centrale DarlIngton er denne charmerende 4 værelses dobbelthusejendom, fyldt med perIOde funktioner og et betydeligt potentiale. Entréen fører til den veldimensionerede
A hIdden gem on one of DarlIngton's most prestIgIous streets, Anthony Jones PropertIes are proud to brIng The Coach House to market. HavIng been fully renovated by the current owners thIs stunn
The hIghly desIrable neIghbourhood of DarlIngton Is one of the most sought-after areas In DarlIngton's prestIgIous West End. The area boasts easy access to the A1M and the A66 and also falls wIthIn th
We rarely see renovatIons better than thIs so If It's that blend of the tradItIonal and the modern that moves you, thIs could well be the new home for you. Once InsIde It's clear to see the tIm
ThIs spacIous property wIll create an amazIng home for a growIng famIly. As you walk through the front door, you ImmedIately get a sense of the space thIs home has to offer. DownstaIrs you wIll fInd a
For those lookIng to down-sIze wIthout losIng the wow-factor, thIs stunnIng detached dormer bungalow offers generous yet manageable lIvIng space across two floors. Upon enterIng the spacIous ha