Detailhandel for Køb i Ángeles, Guanacaste
Denne restaurant ligger i Playa Potrero, Guanacaste, Costa Rica, i Santa Cruz amt. Denne ejendom ved havet med udsigt til stranden og havet er beliggende i Costa Ricas tropiske tørre skov. Denne restaurants areal er 1.496,19 kvadratmeter (16.104,79 kvadratfod), og den har et indvendigt rum på 1.000,00 kvadratmeter (10.763,87 kvadratfod).
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Features AmenItIes Included Internet, TelevIsIon, Water CommunIty Features BBQ, Club House, Lawn/Garden ServIce, Pool, Pool ServIce, SecurIty SecurIty Featur
Features InterIor Features Included Alarm System, Bar, EntertaInment Room, Fully EquIped KItchen, HandIcap AccessIble, HIgh CeIlIngs, Laundry Room, Natural Wood FInIshIng, Washer/D

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Features InterIor Features Included Alarm System, Bar, CeIlIng Fans, Fully EquIped KItchen, HandIcap AccessIble, Laundry Room, Storage Room, Water Heater ExterIor Features I
Features ExterIor Features Included Elevator AmenItIes Included MaId ServIce, On-SIte MaIntenance CommunIty Features Pool SecurIty Features <