Kontor til leje i Nayong Kanluran, Quezon
The Upper Class er en 26-etagers kommerciel bygning beliggende på hjørnet af Quezon Ave. og Scout Reyes St. i Paligsahan, Quezon City. Denne bygning har en penthouse-etage, havedæk og servicedæk og tilbyder kommercielle/retaillokaler og kontorenheder. Denne bygning er udstyret med 8 højhastigheds programmerbare elevatorer til at betjene hver etage. Den har syv podiumparkeringsniveauer med 235 almindelige pladser og 192 mekaniske pladser til tilstrækkeligt at imødekomme dens brugere, og den er indhyllet med metalspjæld for at tillade krydsventilation i gulvet, hvilket forhindrer forurening overbelastning i parkeringsniveauer.
Udforsk området
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The Upper Class is a 26-story commercial building located at the corner of Quezon Ave. and Scout Reyes St. in Paligsahan, Quezon City. This building has a penthouse floor, garden deck, and service dec
The Upper Class is a 26-story commercial building located at the corner of Quezon Ave. and Scout Reyes St. in Paligsahan, Quezon City. This building has a penthouse floor, garden deck, and service dec
The Upper Class is a 26-story commercial building located at the corner of Quezon Ave. and Scout Reyes St. in Paligsahan, Quezon City. This building has a penthouse floor, garden deck, and service dec
The Upper Class is a 26-story commercial building located at the corner of Quezon Ave. and Scout Reyes St. in Paligsahan, Quezon City. This building has a penthouse floor, garden deck, and service dec
The Upper Class is a 26-story commercial building located at the corner of Quezon Ave. and Scout Reyes St. in Paligsahan, Quezon City. This building has a penthouse floor, garden deck, and service dec
The Upper Class is a 26-story commercial building located at the corner of Quezon Ave. and Scout Reyes St. in Paligsahan, Quezon City. This building has a penthouse floor, garden deck, and service dec