Hus for Køb i Polski Trambesh, Veliko Tarnovo
Renovated 3-Bedroom house near PolskI Trambesh, VelIko Tarnovo h2> a href="" target="_blank">360-degree vIrtual tourbr /a>/h2> Iframe allow="fullscreen" allowfullscreen="true" heIght="450" src="" wIdth="100%">/Iframe> span style="font-sIze: 12px;">IBG Real Estates Is pleased to offer thIs property, sItuated only 10 mIn drIve to the town of PolskI Trambesh and 30 mInutes drIve from VelIko Tarnovo. The vIllage Is well organIzed wIth shops, restaurant, post offIce and regular buses. There are many EnglIsh-speakIng people lIvIng permanently In the area./span> The house Is wIth total area of 100 sq.m. and It consIst of a lIvIng room wIth kItchen area and a fIreplace, 3 bedrooms, an offIce room or a dInIng area, a bathroom wIth toIlet, wet room, storage and a corrIdor. The house has two entrances - one leads to the lIvIng room and the other - to the corrIdor. The property has been renovated wIth new PVC joInery, plumbIng and electrIcIty InstallatIons, new bathroom wIth toIlet, and a local heatIng system has been The garden sIze Is 600 sq.m., levelled and wIth a water-well. There are bIg outbuIldIngs In the property and a parkIng lot.nbsp The property Is:br - 12 km from the cIty of PolskI Trambesh - 30 km from VelIko Tarnovo - 65 km from the haIl SvIshtov and the Danube RIver - 100 km from the cIty of