Jord for Køb i Strathmore, Alberte
226 acre +/- parcel beliggende på den vestlige side af Strathmore. Optimal ny zoneinddeling ville være boligbyggeri ligner Wildflower ranch udvikling. I øjeblikket zonedelt landbrugsjord, var dette land i en ikke-adopteret ASP "West Strathmore Conceptual Scheme”. Beliggende cirka 50 km øst for Calgary på TransCanada Highway havde Strathmore en befolkning på 13.327 (Kommunetællingen 2015), en stigning på 7,9 % fra 2012-tællingen. Strathmore er en vigtig landbrugsby med en voksende interesse for olie- og gasefterforskning og har i de senere år oplevet stor vækst i kommerciel udvikling med flere franchiserestauranter og nogle store kædebutikker, der åbner i samfundet.
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226 acre +/- parcel located on the west side of Strathmore. Optimum new zoning would be residential development similar to Wildflower ranch development. Currently zoned Agricultural land, this land w
Prime Land located within MD Wheatland County.
Great 40 acre parcel on the west side of Strathmore. Has fantastic Highway 1 frontage and direct access for the service road. Currently zoned Agricultural land, this land was in an unadopted ASP “West
Great 40 acre parcel on the west side of Strathmore. Has fantastic Highway 1 frontage and direct access for the service road. Currently zoned Agricultural land, this land was in an unadopted ASP “West