6 listings
Offered to the market is this deceptively spacious 3/4 bedroom semi detached house. This well presented house sits well set back from the road and we feel would make a great family home. It offers eas
A rare opportunity to purchase a 2 bedroom detached property that is steeped in character, history and charm. Dower House Lodge was built circa 1820 and was located in the grounds of the historic Foot
The house briefly comprises of: Entrance porch, a bay fronted through lounge which also has doors to the rear garden, a smart kitchen/diner which is deceptively spacious and features a small breakfast
Offered for sale is this well presented and deceptively spacious four bedroom semi detached house. Situated in a popular location with access to Albany Park train station, shops, parks and great schoo
DESCRIPTION VIDEO TOUR AVAILABLE Offered for sale is this very popular 3 bedroom semi detached house that offers fantastic potential to extend (STPP). The house does require some updating throu
يتألف العقار لفترة وجيزة من: قاعة مدخل ، وصالة مطلة على الخليج ، وغرفة طعام ممتدة توفر إمكانات كبيرة للدخول إلى المطبخ لإنشاء مطبخ / عشاء خلفي مفتوح. يطل المطبخ المنفصل على الحديقة الخلفية بالإضافة إل