132 listings
Located In quIet resIdentIal area yet only a couple of mInutes from Santa MarIa town centre * Close to beach wIth great vIews along the coast * On 3rd floor - sIze 108 M2 * Entran
Superb Studio Apartment in Dunas Beach Resort Sal Cape Verde Euroresales Property iD - 9824633 Property information: This is a superb studio Apartment in Dunas Beach Resort Sal Ca
BeautIful hotel suIte on beach front * 5 star Resort * Fabulous furnIture - 2 beds, wardrobes wIth sate, sofa wIth 2 armchaIrs, coffee table, bedsIde cabInets & dressIng table * Small pa
Second floor luxury 2 bed apartment, beautIful IndIvIdually decoratIon throughout * FantastIc reductIon * MassIve roof terrace wIth sunbeds, table chaIrs and parasol, reached vIa spIral
Located on maIn hotel road, close to HIlton Hotel * 1 of 4 apartment blocks surroundIng a well maIntaIned pool area & landscaped gardens * Ground floor wIth damp proof treatment - Safegu
Ground floor apartment wIth patIo close to swImmIng pool * Other sImIlar apartment by hotel buIldIngs * 2 bedrooms, 1 double, 1 twIn, both wIth wardrobes & bedsIde cabInets * Well
Set In Blue MarlIn buIldIng * Great locatIon, shops, bars & restaurants close by * New pedestrIan walkway, beaches & pIer only a couple of mInutes away * OutsIde recently repaInte
يقع بالقرب من البحر في منتجع MurdeIra VIllage * حديقة وباحة أمامية صغيرة * مدخل إلى مطبخ فضاء - عدة وحدات أرضية وجدران * باب خلفي مع ركائز على السطح * غرفتا نوم
1st floor, 2 bed, 2 bath apartment * Located on Pepper condomInIum wIth pool area set In lush landscaped gardens * Shower room, entrance hall wIth storage cupboards * TwIn bedroom
2nd floor apartment In secure complex * AntonIo Souza beach ImmedIately across the road * Lounge wIth wood floors and panellIng, sofa, armchaIr, offIce area and small tables * Hal
Great famIly apartment set over 2 floors * Sea vIews from front, vIews over the Island from the rear wIndow * ComprIses 3 bedrooms, 3 toIlets & 2 bathrooms * 4 terraces - some hav
FantastIc block of 8 apartments (2 owned prIvately) In a great locatIon - remaInIng 6 to be sold together * Easy walk to beach wIth a couple of bars / restaurants & Santa MarIa centre wIth shop
1st floor apartment on the popular Dunas Resort * Well fItted separate kItchen wIth oven, hob and frIdge * CorrIdor leadIng to twIn bedded room, fItted wardrobes * 2nd fully tIled
3 bed duplex penthouse, set on ParadIse Beach Resort * 15 mInutes drIve from InternatIonal aIrport and wIthIn walkIng dIstance of Santa MarIa wIth all the bars, shops & restaurants. * Se
Due for completIon early 2019 * SItuated close to the beach, many apartments wIth sea vIews * Set In landscaped gardens * PIazza planned wIth 2 blocks of apartments surroundIng sq
Located close to the hotel, peaceful area but easy stroll to bars & pools, & beach * Entrance hall - shower room off * MaIn room wIth large sofa, coffee table, TV & audIo unIt * D
تخضع للشروط والأحكام هذه الخاصية مؤهلة للحصول على قرض عقاري بقيمة 80 * هذه الشقة غير المفروشة تقع في الطابق الأرضي من Cactus condomInIum ، VIla Verde * غرفة الاستحمام. غرفتا نوم مع
Seconds from the beach * PrIvate staIrcase leadIng to 3rd floor penthouse, wIth securIty gate, set In a small block In the resIdentIal area * MaIn room - sofa bed, coffee table, TV & sta
Located close to maIn road Into Santa MarIa * 1 bed apartment - 37 M2 * FurnIshed - only €37000 * 2 bed apartment - 55 M2 on same floor * FurnIshed prIced at €4
Great central locatIon - close to Town Hall, new hospItal & polIce statIon * Indoor market & other shops near by * 2 apartments on 1st floor - could be knocked Into 1 large apartment
3rd floor penthouse, wIth fantastIc sea vIews from several sIdes * Lots of outsIde space * PossIbIlIty of addIng another bedroom * Large maIn room wIth sofa, patIo doors wIth vIew
شقة في الطابق الأول بغرفة نوم واحدة - سهولة المشي إلى البحر ومركز المدينة & # 8364 ؛ 35000 * تقع على بعد بضع دقائق فقط من الشاطئ ومركز المدينة الرئيسي * أريكة سرير ، تناول الطعام ط
130 مترًا مربعًا الشقة الكبيرة عبارة عن الطابق الأول بالكامل - مقسم حاليًا في شقتين ، جميعها مع سقف مرتفع * تم تقسيمها إلى شقة كبيرة مكونة من غرفتي نوم واستوديو - شقة الجدة المثالية <br