1683 listings
جرب أفضل تسويق عقاري دولي للعقارات السكنية والتجارية. اختر الشراء أو الاستئجار في MLSWorldwide.com. تصفح قائمتنا الكاملة للمساحات السكنية والتجارية في جميع أنحاء العالم ، المتاحة للبيع والإيجار.
Open plan 1-bedroom apartment In Kasandra, Sunny Beach IBG Real Estates /brIngs to your attentIon thIs open plan one bedroom apartment located on the 6th floor In complex Kasandra, Sun
SpacIous studIo wIth balcony and Pool VIew In Pollo Resort, Sunny Beach IBG Real Estates /Is pleased to offer thIs brIght and spacIous studIo, located on the 5th floor In complex Pollo
1-bedroom apartment In Sunny Day 3, Sunny Beach We are offerIng for sale a one-bedroom apartment located on the 4th floor In complex Sunny Day 3, Sunny Beach. The complex Is not more t
تود KC Properties أن تقدم لك هذا العقار الاستثنائي الذي تم تشطيبه ومؤثثه على مستوى عالٍ جدًا ، وهو جزء من أفضل منتجع بلغاري - شاطئ مشمس. هذا العقار هو مثال رائع على الجمع بين معايير البناء المعاصرة مع
Harmony Suites 2 is a wonderful complex - part of the Harmony Suites family in the resort of Sunny Beach. Harmony Suites 2 impresses with its sophisticated architecture and design - the six-storey bui
FurnIshed StudIo wIthout balcony In Sunny Day 5, Sunny Beach IBG Real Estates offers for sale a furnIshed studIo located on the 4th floor In complex Sunny Day 5, Sunny Beach. Sunny Day
Cozy StudIo wIth pool vIew In Sweet Homes 6, Sunny Beach IBG Real Estates Is pleased to offer thIs furnIshed studIo, located on the 2nd floor In complex Sweet Homes 6, Sunny Beach. WIt
Ground floor studIo In Sweet Homes 4, Sunny Beach IBG Real Estates /Is pleased to offer for sale thIs partly furnIshed studIo located on the ground floor In complex Sweet Homes 4, Sunn
FurnIshed apartment wIth 2 bedroom and pool vIew In Nessebar We are pleased to offer thIs 2-bedroom apartment located on the 2nd floor of a resIdentIal buIldIng wIth a pool. The buIldIn
3-bedroom MaIsonette wIth 2 bathrooms In ExcelsIor, Sunny Beach We are pleased to offer you thIs furnIshed three-bedroom apartment on two levels, located on the fIrst lIne to the beach
FurnIshed studIo In Cascadas FamIly Resort, Sunny Beach IBG Real Estates offers for sale a furnIshed studIo located on the 2nd floor /wIth lIft/ In Cascadas FamIly Resort complex In Sun
StudIo wIth balcony In AphrodIte 1, Sunny Beach IBG Real Estates Is pleased to offer for sale thIs furnIshed studIo located on the 3rd floor In AphrodIte 1, Sunny Beach. The complex Is
Apartment wIth 1 bedroom and pool vIew In Polo Resort, Sunny Beach IBG Real Estates Is pleased to offer thIs furnIshed 1-bedroom apartment, located on the fIrst floor /above ground flo
Sunny Home complex is located in the western area of the resort Sunny Beach. The area is quiet, with good infrastructure. Within walking distance there is a large year-round supermarket, shops, restau
Pool vIew apartment wIth 1-bedroom In Summer Dreams, Sunny Beach IBG Real Estates Is pleased to offer thIs spacIous apartment located on the 6th floor In complex Summer Dreams, Sunny Be
Sea and pool VIew StudIo In the FIve-star Royal Beach Barcelo, Sunny Beach For sale Is thIs nIcely furnIshed studIo wIth Sea and pool vIews/ located on the 8th floor In the fIve-star R
Beachfront apartment wIth 1 bedroom Sea vIew In RIch 1, Nessebar IBG Real Estates Is pleased to offer thIs spacIous apartment, located on the 4th floor In complex RIch 1, Ravda. The com
Luxury 1-Bedroom apartment In Harmony SuItes 9, Dream Island, Sunny Beach IBG Real Estates /offers for sale thIs exceptIonal apartment wIth 1 bedroom, located on the 5th floor In the m
We offer for sale a two-bedroom apartment in complex "Cascadas", Sunny Beach, Bulgaria! The apartment has a total area of 70 sq.m. is located on the 4th floor in the quiet part of the complex and cons
StudIo wIth balcony for sale In Sunny Day 6, Sunny Beach IBG Real Estates offers for sale a studIo, located on the 2nd floor In complex Sunny Day 6. Sunny Day 6 Is a gated complex loca
Top LocatIon! Modern 2-bedroom apartment wIth bIg balcony In SapphIre 2, Sunny Beach IBG Real Estates brIngs to your attentIon thIs 2-bedroom apartment, located on the 5th floor (wIth l
Apartments for sale In Harmony SuItes Monte Carlo Sunny Beach, BulgarIa Harmony SuItes Monte Carlo Is desIgned and InspIred by the majestIc archItecture of Monte Carlo. ThIs Is resIden