15 listings
Heron Mill Estate is a relatively new and upmarket residential development located between the ABC Highway and Mullins in an elevated and breezy location offering distant sea views. This large rectang
تقع هذه القطعة ذات الأسعار الجذابة على الساحل الغربي للجزيرة في أبرشية القديس بطرس. تمثل هذه الأرض الممتدة على مساحة 6112 قدمًا مربعة فرصة رائعة لعائلة جديدة. إنه ليس فقط في حي هادئ ولكنه يقع في طريق
One Caribbean Estates is proud to offer for sale Queen's Street Beach. Queen's Street Beach is a prime three level split property offering 7,750 sq. ft of land area. Additional Features:
This lot spans 6,112 sq ft located in the residential neighbourhood of Pleasant Hall. This neighbourhood is located to the north west of the island which is within code proximity to the main highway,
JUST LAUNCHED! We have 5 reasonably priced lots for sale in the established neighborhood of Bakers Woods starting from only $93,000 USD. 10% down to reserve now. * Lot 106A: 6624 SF - Li
Here lies an attractively priced lot spanning 6,112 sq ft located in the residential neighbourhood of Pleasant Hall in the parish on Saint Peter. This neighbourhood is located to the north west of the
Heron Mill Estate is a relatively new and upmarket residential development located between the ABC Highway and Mullins in an elevated and breezy location offering distant sea views. This large rectan
Lot 31 comprises approximately 18,665 SF of flat land. It is located in Heron Mill, just up the hill the Mullins Bay Beach, restaurants, spa and other amenities in the parish of St. Peter. This
تبلغ مساحة قطعة الأرض هذه على شاطئ البحر أكثر من فدان وتوفر فرصة استثمارية كبيرة. تم تسميته على اسم خليج Godings ، ويستفيد من حوالي 150 قدمًا من واجهة الشاطئ ويتمتع بموقع مثالي بين منزلين رائعين يضيفا