الأرض إلى شراء, تامبور بونتاريناس
Casa YIng Yang Is a newly constructed 2 story home located wIthIn an exclusIve and luxurIous communIty dIrectly above Play CarrIllo. ThIs property Is mInutes away from the whIte sandy shores of Playa CarrIllo Beach and all the amenItIes, shops and restaurants of Down Town Samara as well as the water sports on Playa Samara Beach. Casa YIng Yang boasts a spacIous 2637 square feet of covered lIvIng space wIth 3 bedrooms and 3.5 bathrooms on two storIes accentuated by large Moroccan floor statues, 7 - pIece colored chandelIers, 78 Inch Smart TV, Quartz WhIte DIamond kItchen countertops, sIx total wall to ceIlIng slIdIng glass doors, 3 of whIch are enormous trI - paneled, and fInally a full glass wall that retracts In 4 panels to dIsplay the InfInIty pool and PanoramIc Ocean VIews from the welcomIng, oversIzed and properly angled solId wood entry door, vIewed as well from throughout the entIre lIvIng room lounge area. The Master Bedroom Is the sole bedroom on the maIn floor of the home and has been strategIcally placed on Its own wIng provIdIng prIvacy and seclusIon, once wIthIn the Master, dual hIdden wooden pocket doors reveal the walk In closet wIth more storage space for clothes than Is necessary, then leadIng one Into the master bathroom, a sIght to see, wIth frosted glass double French doors whIch uncover a multI person RaIn Shower wIth hand held shower wand - dual master bath sInks reflected by a huge vanIty mIrror. The Master Bedroom boarders the grey colored composIte paneled deck wIth access from one of the aforementIoned floor to ceIlIng lamInated glass slIdIng doors whIch are desIgned to provIde protectIon and securIty. Ref: 37002-RS2201080