تأجير مكتب. مقر. مركز في إي رودريجيز كويزون
Cyberpark Tower One هو الأول من أبراج المكاتب الخمسة التي سيتم بناؤها في قسم Cyberpark الذي تبلغ مساحته 8 هكتارات في مدينة Araneta. ناطحة سحاب مكتبية من الدرجة الأولى مكونة من 32 طابقًا معتمدة من PEZA وتوفر مساحة إجمالية قابلة للتأجير تبلغ 68000 متر مربع مع لوحة أرضية نموذجية تبلغ 2466 مترًا مربعًا.
أنت قد تكون مهتم:
The Gateway Tower is the Araneta Group's 31-story office skyscraper located right next to the iconic Araneta Coliseum in Cubao, Quezon City. This Grade A office tower is also home to the Araneta Group
The Gateway Tower is the Araneta Group's 31-story office skyscraper located right next to the iconic Araneta Coliseum in Cubao, Quezon City. This Grade A office tower is also home to the Araneta Group
Cyberpark Tower One is the first of the five office towers to be built in the 8-hectare Cyberpark section of Araneta City. This Grade A, 32-story office skyscraper is PEZA-accredited and offers a gros
Cyberpark Tower One is the first of the five office towers to be built in the 8-hectare Cyberpark section of Araneta City. This Grade A, 32-story office skyscraper is PEZA-accredited and offers a gros
Cyberpark is a five office towers to be built in the 8-hectare Cyberpark section of Araneta City. This Grade A, 32-story office skyscraper is PEZA-accredited and offers a gross leasable area of 68,000
Cyberpark is a five office towers to be built in the 8-hectare Cyberpark section of Araneta City. This Grade A, 32-story office skyscraper is PEZA-accredited and offers a gross leasable area of 68,000