الأرض إلى شراء, أجيا مارينودا بافوس
The large field is located within the administrative boundaries of Kelokedara village. The property has an irregular shape with inclined surface and it abuts onto a pathway The property falls into agricultural zone ?3, with building density of 10%. Property Details * For Sale * Property Type: Land * Property Subtype: Agricultural * Location: Paphos, Kelokedara, Cyprus * Price: €82,000 * VAT: N/A * Loan Installment: €402 If you wish to borrow from a bank, please find above indication of the loan installment with the assumptions used below. Loan Installment Calculations: Assumptions: Closing Price: €82,000 Own Contribution (30%): €24,600 Loan Amount (70%): €57,400 Interest rate: 3.2% Years of repayment: 15 years