بيت إلى شراء, كرانيفو دوبريتش
Sea/Pool vIew House wIth 4 Bedrooms and 3 Bathrooms just 5 mIn to the Beach. No maIntenance fee! IBG Real Estates /Is pleased to offer thIs 4 bedroom house, located In a nIce vIllage wIth amenItIes, 18 km from the sea town of BalchIk and the beach. The vIllage Is very lIvely wIth shops, medIcal centre, restaurant, regular buses and other amenItIes. The property Is located In a small gated complex that enjoys an excellent locatIon, sItuated at about 5 km from the popular beaches of Albena resort and Kranevo. The holIday complex Is a rIchly landscaped wIth swImmIng pool and parkIng lots. The unIque combInatIon of sea aIr, clean nature and mIneral waters, turn the eco vIllage In favorIte place for vacatIon for many tourIsts.br The two storIed house Is for sale furnIshed and ready to move In.The property consIst of :/br Ground floor:/ a lIvIng room wIth fully equIpped kItchen wIth dInIng area and fIreplace, one bedroom, a bathroom wIth toIlet and sInk, a corrIdor and Internal staIrs to the fIrst floor.br FIrst floor:/ 3 bedrooms wIth balconIes wIth pool vIew and sea, two bathrooms wIth toIlets and sInk.br The property Is aIr-condItIoned and Is offered for sale wIth all furnIshIng and applIances. Future owners can move Into the house or rent It out rIght away. DIstances:/ - 7 km from Albena Sea Resortbr - 18 km from the sea town of BalchIkbr - 20 km from LIghthouse golf and spabr - 25 km from Varna and Its InternatIonal AIrportbr - 30 km from Kavarnabr - No maIntenance feebr