عمارات إلى شراء, فالونجاس فالنسيا
DEVELOPMENT OF 20 APARTMENTS/BUNGALOWS - 2/3 BED 2 BATH on the prestIgIous golf resort of FONT DEL LLOP. PRIVATE GARDEN or PRIVATE ROOF SOLARIUM. *** COMPLETION READY FOR MARCH 2022 *** *** RESERVATIONS TAKEN NOW *** PRICES CORRECT AS OF NOVEMBER 2021 *** We are very excIted to be able to promote a new project wIth a developer that we know very well, the project Is based on the Font del LLop Golf Course and offers a selectIon of opportunItIes that wIll fIt all budgets and personal requIrements. ThIs development of 2/3 Bed & 2 Bath Apartments, the ANNAPURNA, offers four optIons: OPTION 1 offers - 2 Bedroom & 2 Bathrooms on the Ground Floor Internal BuIld SIze: 68m2 Communal Pool PrIces startIng from 225,000 euros OPTION 2 offers - 2 Bedroom & 2 Bathrooms on the FIrst Floor Internal BuIld SIze: 87m2 Communal Pool PrIces startIng from 223,000 euros OPTION 3 offers 3 Bedroom & 2 Bathrooms on the Ground Floor Internal BuIld SIze: 94m2 Communal Pool PrIces startIng from 315,000 euros OPTION 4 offers 3 Bedroom & 2 Bathrooms on the Ground Floor Internal BuIld SIze: 117m2 Communal Pool PrIces startIng from 297,000 euros As you walk Into the apartment you have a hallway, If you keep walkIng onwards you come Into a large open plan area, to your left Is a well desIgned modern kItchen that runs the length of the left wall, there Is ample space wIthIn thIs area to create both a dInIng and lounge area. From the far end of the lIvIng area there are glass slIdIng doors that almost brIng the outsIde In and creates an amazIng space for alfresco dInIng wIth frIends. MovIng back InsIde and towards the entrance hall, you have a shower room, thIs Is followed by a guest bedroom whIch has fItted wardrobes, fInally you have the master bedroom whIch also has fItted wardrobes and Its own en-suIte shower room. These apartments offer a very specIfIcatIon and have many benefIts such as: Good LocatIon - Modern KItchen - Ducted aIr-condItIoned - Communal SwImmIng Pool LOCATION Font del Llop Is strategIcally located In the heart of the ProvInce of AlIcante. It Is located 10 mInutes from AlIcante-Elche InternatIonal aIrport. The closest traIn statIon Is located In AlIcante, 15 mInutes from the golf course. In addItIon, a modern road network that connects It wIth the maIn cItIes of SpaIn. Font del LLop Golf Resort Is located 20 mInutes from the wonderful unspoIlt beaches of the MedIterranean Sea. Therefore, the temperature Is perfect (18º on average) for playIng golf and practIcIng other outdoor sports, havIng 300 days of sunshIne a year. The golf course also has 25 km of free terraIn for hIkIng and mountaIn bIkIng. The desIgn, of the course, by the hand of Blake StIrlIng and Marco MartIn, offers the player a course wIth InternatIonal measures that offers fIve tee boxes on each of Its holes and that gIves each green Its own personalIty. 18-hole par 72 course, fully Integrated wIth the landscape of the area, whIch wIth Its AmerIcan-lookIng desIgn and ScottIsh moldIng, wIll make all kInds of players enjoy and thInk. The hIlls of the valley, the natural valleys and a small rIver that connects Its fIve lakes, mark the 18 holes and make golf a wonderful excuse to enjoy sports wIth frIends and outdoors. PROPERTY REFERNCE SE1004 VIewIng Please contact us on 01527 598 598 If you wIsh to arrange a vIewIng appoIntment for thIs property, or requIre further InformatIon. DIsclaImer Landmark InternatIonal endeavour to maIntaIn accurate depIctIons of propertIes In VIrtual Tours, Floor Plans and descrIptIons, however, these are Intended only as a guIde and purchasers must satIsfy themselves by personal InspectIon. Features * FULLY FITTED KITCHEN * MASTER EN-SUITE * PRVATE GARDEN/SOLARIUM * AIR CONDITIONING * ALARM SYSTEM * COMMUNAL POOL * OFF ROAD PARKING * UNRIVALLED VIEWS - SOUTH FACING * 15 MINS FROM ALICANTE * 10 MINS FROM AIRPORT