الأرض إلى شراء, ماساريلوس بورتو
أرض تقع في فرانكوس مع مشروع معتمد ، وتقع بجوار محطتي مترو ، فرانكوس ورامالدي. اكتب T3 ذات مساحات كبيرة وحديقة كبيرة. أدت عملية إعادة التأهيل المتوقعة إلى الحفاظ على الهندسة المعمارية الأصلية للواجهة ، ولكن سيتم تغيير التصميم الداخلي بالكامل. 5 دقائق من وسط بورتو وعلى بعد 10 دقائق من مستشفى دي S.joão. اتصل بمنزلك بمنزل أحلامك.
أنت قد تكون مهتم:
We are very pleased to share with you this listing that includes over 120 hectares (297 acres) of producing farmland, that also has recreational activities for ecotourism, including fishing. &nbs
Terreno muito bem localizado junto ao Pólo Universitário e Hospital S. João, junto ao novo Continente, e a 5 min a pé da FEUP e restantes faculdades. Ligue-se ao seu terreno com a ON PORTO!

Aroma do Monte sits on the tail of the Minho river. Known to locals as the secret heart of Portugal. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for developers and dreamers alike to cre
The urban building consists of land with approximately 1.570m2, with a high slope, which develops a small island with totally degraded dwellings, in an extensive green area. The total gross area of th
Located in a residential street, 1 min from Avenida da República, the main avenue of Vila Nova de Gaia. This building land is an investment opportunity where apartments can be bu
Located in a residential street, 1 min from Rua da Alegria, one of the main streets of Bonfim neighbourhood, one of the 20 coolest neighbourhoods in the world, according to the editors and journalists