آخر إلى شراء, كامبوليد لشبونة
مبنى ذو موقع جيد في كامبو دي أوريكي-لشبونة ، روا أندريه برون. بالقرب من محطة الترام 28 ، المدارس ، سوق Campo de Ourique Time Out. مبنى بمساحة تجارية واسعة في الطابق الأرضي (يمكن أن يصبح مرآبًا) فارغًا حاليًا ، و 6 شقق من غرفتين في 3 طوابق. هناك شقتان شاغرتان ، إحداهما سيتم إخلائها في يونيو 2021 ، والأخرى في عام 2022 ، وشقتان أخريان لديهما مستأجرين كبار السن. فرصة استثمارية جيدة!
أنت قد تكون مهتم:
Several warehouses for Logistic and Commercial Business, all with running tenants for the next 6 years. PW179 * m2: 34,000 * Price Per m2: 544.12€ * District: Coimbra * Ty
Building located in the heart of the city of Lisbon next to the main arteries of the city (Marques de Pombal roundabout, Rua Braamcamp, Rua Castilho) with excellent potential for small hotel or office
Luxury shop on the ground floor of an elegant building ideally located near the Ritz Hotel in Lisbon. Completely refurbished. Ample outdoor terrace at the back of the building. Can be reassigned to re

Newly built, completion by the end of 2022 this fabulous building has spacious 10 apartments, located in a privileged city area, close to Parque de Monsanto, Tapada das Necessidades, LX Factory, Docas

Newly built, completion by the end of 2022 this fabulous building has spacious 10 apartments, located in a privileged city area, close to Parque de Monsanto, Tapada das Necessidades, LX Factory, Docas

Fantastic renovated warehouse with 2 floors and ample space, very well located in Campo de Ourique.