21 listings
Villa between the countryside of Ceglie and Ostuni in a quiet area. The house is externally finished in stone, with a covered veranda with arches, barbecue, wood-burning oven and table and chai
Nella celebrata Ceglie Messapica, si trova un complesso di trulli di rara bellezza, che, con i suoi colori brillanti e le sue forme uniche, affiora da una distesa di ulivi secolari, ginepri, allori, r
迷人的石头农舍沉浸在切列梅萨皮卡的乡村中,位于马蒂纳、奇斯泰尼诺和切列梅萨皮卡之间的 itria 山谷。房子的表面是 78 平方米,分为 3 间带桶形拱顶和石壁炉的房间。从结构和美学的角度来看,它都处于极好的保存状态。它矗立在一个打谷场上,俯瞰着一栋被归类为合作单元的建筑,半毁坏的约 54 平方米的住宅用途 - 厨房。土地约 2,000 米,种有果树和橄榄树。 该结构非常适合建造接收结构,因
A jewel of dry architecture from the early 18th century, this property for sale can accommodate six to eight people. The large bedroom, with its 40 square meters, offers a comfortable king size doubl
切列梅萨皮卡的农舍,经过全面翻修,位于一个安静的区域。房子在一层约90平方米,非常明亮,有石头拱顶。它有一个入口进入带厨房和石壁炉的起居区,起居室有几个石壁龛,是这个地方的特色。两间卧室和一间带淋浴的浴室。拥有的土地在房子的前面和后面都有延伸,总长约 3000 米,植被与地中海灌木丛混合。这所房子距离 Ceglie Messapica 中心仅 10 分钟车程,距离 Ostuni 15 分钟车程,距
我们在 Ceglie Messapica 的乡村出售,这是一座美丽的农舍,除了 trullo 外,还包括几个房间,三个锥体带有“chianche”地板,是该地区典型的原始石头。此外,该物业包括两个车库、大院子、电力和三个水箱。这块土地大约有四公顷,种植着橄榄树、杏仁树、地中海灌木和一些果园。 可以扩大土地并建造一个与大自然接触的室外游泳池。这所房子位于一个安静而保留的区域,非常适合私人住宅或
Complesso di trulli da ristrutturare 在 c.da Scuole Pie a Ceglie Messapica (Br) - R 233 - 我们建议您在 Ceglie Messapica 出售需要翻新的 trulli 综合体;内部和外部都有石砖地板。 特鲁利,约 100 平方米,由各种形状和 ex byres 组成。 地形约 14000 平方
The subject of the following real estate proposal is a beautiful Trullo with large land and lamia. The trullo is located in the municipality of Ceglie Messapica, the heart of the Itria valley. The la
以下房地产提案的主题是一个美丽的 Trullo,拥有大片土地和 lamia。\n\n该 trullo 位于伊特里亚山谷中心的切列梅萨皮卡市。该物业周围的土地面积广阔,约为 25,500 平方米,因此可以扩大现有物业并创建一个游泳池。 trullo 和 lamia 处于良好的结构维护状态,它们处于原始状态。该物业配备了两个坦克,并有一条电源线。其中一个主要方面是它的战略和中心位置,实际上这块土地靠近
美丽的别墅位于伊特里亚山谷的中心,切列梅萨皮卡。该物业完全由典型的干石墙包围,包括入口大道、可停车的区域、阳台和占地约一万八千平方米的花园。房子内部包括客厅、壁橱、走廊、两间双人卧室、一间浴室、带壁炉的厨房、两个储藏室。该物业状况良好,适合居住,有些房间有典型的桶形拱顶,在储藏室中,有必要改造阁楼。有一个外部水箱。该物业非常适合那些希望从其结构中赚取收入的家庭 p,利用战略性的旅游位置和市场上的大
beautiful villa located in the heart of the itria valley, ceglie messapica. The property, completely bordered by a typical dry stone wall, consists of an entrance avenue, area with the possibility of
典型的阿普利亚农舍位于切列梅萨皮卡(Ceglie Messapica)的乡村,经过部分修复,四周环绕着连绵起伏的丘陵,种植着橄榄树和麦田。进入该物业的途径是通过物业内部的一条私人道路,通往大庭院,在那里您可以找到主要的农舍建筑、特鲁利和一个小教堂。农场是用当地特有的石头建造的,分布在两个内部不相连的楼层。通过外部楼梯进入上层。农场和特鲁利进行了主要的大规模整合工作和翻新,但需要完成工作。可以扩展现
切列梅萨皮卡已批准项目的待售土地。土地面积约 13,000 米,现有 4 个锥体建筑群需要翻修,批准项目为建造一层 140 平方米、带游泳池的凝灰岩农舍。根据该项目,该房产将具有以下特点:带厨房的大型起居区、农舍内的两间卧室和两间浴室以及圆顶小屋内的起居区、卧室和浴室。该项目可以进行调整,以更好地满足买方的需求。理想的投资方式
House for sale: Ceglie Messapica, 72013, Italy ------------ Reference: 37264_V000659 Key Features 15000 m2 Plot size Summary Sale - Manor house Ceglie Messap
典型的阿普利亚农舍位于切列梅萨皮卡(Ceglie Messapica)的乡村,经过部分修复,四周环绕着连绵起伏的丘陵,种植着橄榄树和麦田。进入该物业的途径是通过物业内部的一条私人道路,通往大庭院,在那里您可以找到主要的农舍建筑、特鲁利和一个小教堂。农场是用当地特有的石头建造的,分布在两个内部不相连的楼层。通过外部楼梯进入上层。农场和特鲁利进行了主要的大规模整合工作和翻新,但需要完成工作。可以扩展
This Farmhouse of 700 square meters covered, once called "La Magnolia" as for the imposing magnolia tree that characterizes the entrance of the property, today is divided into 2 areas developed on tw
The exclusive farm for sale in Salento dating back to 1833, built by famous architect Francesco Allegretti. The first floor was used as a holiday home for the noble family. The beautiful and evocativ
Complex of Trulli and Lamie for sale only 8km from Ceglie Messapica and 14km from Ostuni, consisting of two separate bodies, surrounded by panoramic land of about 1 hectare. The complex of 95sqm in t
House for sale: Ceglie Messapica, 72013, Italy ------------ Reference: 37264_V000654 Key Features 10000 m2 Plot size Swimming pool Summary Sale - Ceglie M
This exquisite stone farmhouse, located just a stone's throw away from Ostuni and a short distance from Ceglie Messapica, is now available as a villa for sale in Puglia. Nestled amidst three hectares
We offer for sale a complex of trulli of about 200 square meters in a hilly position with land of about 20,000 square meters (300 olive trees, almond trees, walnuts, fruit trees etc.) with centuries-