18 listings
这个大型矩形地块为业主提供了创造梦想加勒比家园的机会。 这座微风习习的住宅位于圣彼得教区马林斯湾上方山脊上的黄金地段,享有海景土地开发享有丰富的热带环境,无限的平和与安静。 Heron Mill 位于巴巴多斯美丽的西海岸,周围环绕着开阔的绿色景观区和天然水道。 历史悠久的斯佩茨敦 (Speightstown) 仅几分钟路程,那里有许多便利设施、餐厅和美丽的
此开发机会已获得规划许可,可在巴巴多斯白金海岸 24 英亩的黄金地段的 Lagoon Land 上建造 200 套住宅。 该地点位于著名的圣查尔斯港住宅区对面,被认为是首屈一指的加勒比海码头,毗邻新的费迪南德港游艇俱乐部和豪华码头公寓。 这两个地点都提供美丽而豪华的泻湖前别墅和公寓,适合短期度假或完全拥有。海滨,您自己的泊位和船就在您家门口! 靠近这些豪华
Heron Mill Estate is a relatively new and upmarket residential development located between the ABC Highway and Mullins in an elevated and breezy location offering distant sea views. This large rectang
This development Opportunity has planning permission for 200 homes on Lagoon Land across 24 acres of prime real estate on the Platinum Coast of Barbados. The site is located directly opposite t
Located on the west coast of the island lies this attractively priced lot in the parish of Saint Peter. Spanning 6,112 sq ft this plot presents a great opportunity for a new family. Not only is it in
One Caribbean Estates is proud to offer for sale Queen's Street Beach. Queen's Street Beach is a prime three level split property offering 7,750 sq. ft of land area. Additional Features:
JUST LAUNCHED! We have 5 reasonably priced lots for sale in the established neighborhood of Bakers Woods starting from only $93,000 USD. 10% down to reserve now. * Lot 106A: 6624 SF - Li
Lot 31 comprises approximately 18,665 SF of flat land. It is located in Heron Mill, just up the hill the Mullins Bay Beach, restaurants, spa and other amenities in the parish of St. Peter. This
This large rectangular-shaped lot provides an owner with the opportunity to create their dream caribbean home. Located in a prime area on a ridge with sea views above Mullins Bay in the Parish
This lot spans 6,112 sq ft located in the residential neighbourhood of Pleasant Hall. This neighbourhood is located to the north west of the island which is within code proximity to the main highway,
Heron Mill Estate is a relatively new and upmarket residential development located between the ABC Highway and Mullins in an elevated and breezy location offering distant sea views. This large rectan
这块海滨土地面积超过一英亩,提供了绝佳的投资机会。以戈丁斯湾命名,它受益于大约 150 英尺的海滩临街面,理想地位于两座精美的大房子之间,为场地增添了巨大的价值。 位于令人垂涎的西海岸,对于寻求在巴巴多斯建造豪宅的潜在业主来说,这绝对是一个难得的必看机会。 - 西海岸海滨 - 绝佳的投资机会 - 150英尺的海滩临街 - 难得的必看机会
Here lies an attractively priced lot spanning 6,112 sq ft located in the residential neighbourhood of Pleasant Hall in the parish on Saint Peter. This neighbourhood is located to the north west of the