其他 在 迪拜, 杜拜伊 购买
Aeon Trisl 自豪地在 Sobha Ivory Tower 1 商业湾的一个非常热门的位置展示这个设施齐全和家具齐全的办公室。 它位于迪拜的主要商业中心,是每个企业的理想选择。 交通便利进出 办公室面积1088.89平方英尺 视野开阔 办公室内有茶水间和洗手间 Sobha Ivory 1, Dubai是迪拜商业中心的高层商业建筑,即Business湾。它与Sobha Ivory 2一起构成了Sobha Ivory complex。该商业大楼由地下三层、底层、两层裙楼和 12 层专用于办公空间组成。 根据 Bayut 的 2019 年迪拜房地产市场报告,商业湾被列为迪拜第 9 大最受欢迎的公寓购买区域。它正在成为迪拜的中央商业中心。它是一个多功能社区,位于迪拜市中心以南,提供高档的国际化生活方式。 简而言之 • 高层商业建筑 • 首霸象牙商业综合体的一部分 • 位于在商业湾 • 由Sobha Real Estate LLC开发 • 由国家工程局设计 • 3个地下室+地面+2个平台+12层 • 办公室和零售商店 • 靠近公共汽车站、地铁站、餐馆 • 10 分钟到迪拜市中心 • 方便前往谢赫扎耶德路 如需了解更多信息或详情,请致电双语代理 0589940761 英语,阿拉伯语乌尔都语。 Aeon Trisl Real Estate Broker LLC 是迪拜领先且屡获殊荣的房地产代理机构。总部位于阿联酋,在 4 个国家(阿联酋、巴基斯坦、英国、土耳其)设有办事处,在全球设有 8 个办事处。我们在全球范围内为二级市场和期房市场提供物业租赁和销售咨询,提供多样化的投资机会和房地产项目组合 迪拜房地产趋势和更新:https://www.youtube.com /c/AeonTrislRealEstate
Exclusively listed with Premier Estates. A brand new ultra luxurious whole building in the Burj Downtown District. The building comprises of luxury townhouses, retail shops and apartment
Exclusively listed with Christies International Premier Estates. A brand new ultra-luxurious whole building in the Burj Downtown District. The building comprises luxury townhouses, retail s
Exclusively listed with Premier Estates. A brand new ultra-luxurious full building in the Burj Downtown District. The building comprises of luxury townhouses, retail shops and apartments
Exclusively listed with Premier Estates. A brand new ultra-luxurious whole building in the Burj Downtown District. The building comprises of luxury townhouses, retail shops and apartment
Exclusively listed with Premier Estates. A brand new Ultra-Luxurious Full Building in the Burj Downtown District. The building comprises of luxury townhouses, retail shops and apartments
A fabulous opportunity to purchase a full building in the prestigious District One community with uninterrupted views of the Crystal Lagoon: 162 apartments Superb floor