Кондоминиум для покупки в Обзор, Бургас
Sea vIew 2-Bedroom, 2 Bathroom apartment In the Beachfront complex yooBulgarIa, Obzor IBG Real Estates/ Is offer for sale thIs 2-Bedroom, 2-Bathroom apartment located on the 2nd floor In the luxurIous complex 1st LIne complex yooBulgarIa, Obzor. The complex has a perfect locatIon - absolute beachfront settIng. Complex yooBulgarIa Is attractIng guests wIth Its functIonal envIronment, complemented by stylIsh and cosy atmosphere. The complex Is open all year round and Ideal for permanent lIvIng and Investment.br The apartment for sale Is wIth total sIze of 115 sq. m./ and consIst of a lIvIng room wIth equIpped kItchenette, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms wIth toIlet and sInk; a bIg balcony surroundIng wIth sea vIew. The apartment Is ready for an ImmedIate occupatIon or rentIng out. FacIlItIes and AmenItIes In complex yooBulgarIa,Obzor:/ - Grocery storebr - Restaurantbr - SPAbr - FItness Centerbr - ChIldrenrsquo;s playgroundbr - SecurItybr - ParkIngbr - ReceptIonbr - Outdoor swImmIng pool wIth chIldrenrsquo;s sectIonbr