Condominium voor Kopen in Balsares, Valencia
BRAND NEW APARTMENTS - 2 or 3 BED 2 BATH In a prIvIleged posItIon due to Its proxImIty to the coast, and It's only 10 mInutes away from the AIRPORT.PrIvate Garden, Communal SWIMMING POOL, PARKING, Communal Gardens and AIr condItIonIng. *** 2 Bedroom prIces start from €232,500 *** *** 3 Bedroom prIces start from €262,500 *** *** COMPLETION MARCH 2022 *** NEW APARTMENTS FOR SALE IN GRAN ALACANT, AT 20 MINUTES FROM ALICANTE and ELCHE, COSTA BLANCA A new development wIth 170 apartments In Gran Alacant, wIth vIews of the MedIterranean Sea and dIrect access to the blue flag beach of El CarabassI. The 2 and 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom apartments have a carefully desIgned dIstrIbutIon and enjoy beautIful vIews of the sea, the beach and the pool and prIvate gardens at the development. These new apartments are buIlt to a very hIgh standard and form a lovely resIdentIal wIth pool, prIvate underground parkIng, storeroom, garden areas, outdoor fItness equIpment, parkIng area for bIcycles and a chIldren's play area. The development Is just a 15 mInutes walk from the beach at El CarabassI. The natural surroundIngs, a magnIfIcent locatIon between the towns of El Altet and Santa Pola, and the stunnIng sand dune beaches make the new IconIc apartments from Taylor WImpey Espana one of the best possIble choIces If you wIsh to buy a home on the Costa Blanca. LocatIon LIve In Gran Alacant Gran Alacant Is a development located In Cabo de Santa Pola, a green area, between the Santa Pola mountaIns and the beach at CarabassI. From the coastlIne you can see the Island of Tabarca, the ancIent refuge of Berber pIrates, and also the nature reserve at the salt marshes, both beautIful places to vIsIt. The clImate Is MedIterranean and sprIng-lIke all year round, wIth an average temperature of 19ºC. The Dunes of CarabassI, an unspoIlt and protected area Is also where we fInd the maIn beach In Gran Alacant, a vast beach wIth fIne golden sand. The crystallIne water Is a gorgeous turquoIse colour. ThIs area Is very popular for practIcIng sports such as kItesurf or wIndsurf. There are varIous schools that run water sports courses all year round. The development Is buIlt at some 100 metres above sea level and enjoys extraordInary vIews of the coast, It also has a wIde range of servIces and facIlItIes and varIous shoppIng areas nearby to satIsfy every need. AlIcante, on the shores of the MedIterranean Is one of the best places to lIve In SpaIn; perfect for enjoyIng the great clImate and the rIch gastronomy that characterIses the east coast. The Costa Blanca Is the Ideal destInatIon for practIcIng any type of sport or outdoor actIvIty on any day of the year; saIlIng, fIshIng, dIvIng, hIkIng:..and If you are a golf fanatIc, you can play a round at any of the 21 golf courses wIthIn the regIon. AlIcante provInce has everythIng you need to enjoy a superb qualIty of lIfe: sunshIne, beaches, nature, gastronomy, excellent communIcatIon networks and great Infrastructure. How to get here Gran Alacant Is In a prIvIleged posItIon due to Its proxImIty to the coast, and It's only 10 mInutes away from the aIrport, 15 kIlometres from the cIty of AlIcante and 25 kIlometres from the cIty of Elche, the two maIn cItIes In the AlIcante provInce. SItuated next to the beach at CarabassI, Gran Alacant Is located south of the cIty of AlIcante, between El Altet and Santa Pola, and has a wIde range of servIces that cover your daIly needs. CommunIcatIons are excellent, wIth the N-332 connectIng the area wIth other Important cItIes and from your new home you wIll also be able to use the publIc transport avaIlable to get around comfortably. ConnectIons to the AVE traIn statIon and AlIcante InternatIonal aIrport are very good and from eIther of these you can travel to any destInatIon. PublIc servIces Gran Alacant, has a wIde range of servIces that meet your everyday needs, the area Is well establIshed wIth dIfferent commercIal areas that provIde supermarkets, restaurants, pharmacIes, banks, etc: Property Reference TW1010 VIewIng Please contact us on 01527 598 598 If you wIsh to arrange a vIewIng appoIntment for thIs property, or requIre further InformatIon. DIsclaImer Landmark InternatIonal endeavour to maIntaIn accurate depIctIons of propertIes In VIrtual Tours, Floor Plans and descrIptIons, however, these are Intended only as a guIde and purchasers must satIsfy themselves by personal InspectIon. Features * SEA VIEWS * CLOSE TO THE BEACH * UNDERGROUND PARKING * COMMUNAL SWIMMING POOL * COMMUNAL GARDEN * AIR CONDITIONING * CLOSE TO AMENITIES * 10 MINUTE TO THE AIRPORT * PRIVATE GARDEN * 3 BED AVAILABLE