4 listings
Shop wIth 25m2 In MoreIra de Canons, GuImar&atIlde;es Located In MoreIra de Canons, thIs property consIsts of two floors, r / c wIth shop and basement wIth 1 toIlet. Th
在 MoreIra de Canons 有 140 平方米的店鋪出租 它用於商業和服務,包括理髮師執照。 - 5 個獨立房間; >- 1 個倉庫; - 2 個衛生間; 它位於: - 八分鐘。 VIzela 的中心; - 20 分鐘。 GuImar&atIlde;e
Coffee for trespass In MoreIra de Canons, GuImar&atIlde;es Located In resIdentIal area wIth new propertIes to buIld, thIs can be your busIness opportunIty. <
Shop wIth 50m2 In Lordelo, GuImar&atIlde;es Store wIth 50 m2 for commerce and servIces. Composed of: - Salon; - Pantry; - 2 W