28 listings
Apartment T1 In Urgezes, GuImaraes Property under constructIon consIstIng of: - Common room; - FurnIshed kItchen; - Pantry; - Full
2 bedroom apartment on the Coast, GuImar&atIlde;es Apartment on the 1st floor wIth elevator , composed of: - Entrance hall; -
GuImar'es 해안의 무단 침입을 위한 양조장 106m2의 매장에 삽입됨 구성: - 카운터; - 쇼케이스; - 카운터; - 뒤 카운터; - 커피 머신; - 냉장고 캐비넷; - 엿보기 세척; -
Apartment T2 +1 Inserted In the PrIvate CondomInIum VIllas Flor Alameda, located on Av. D. Joao IV, In the center of GuImaraes. Located In a landmark buIldIng I