150 listings
다양한 크기의 777개 호텔 스위트룸이 현재 이용 가능합니다 - 이 권위 있는 프로젝트에 고급스러움과 편안함을 더하다 * 크기는 9.6m2의 테라스가 있는 47m2에서 전용 테라스가 포함된 91m2의 대규모 테라스가 있는 245m2까지 다양합니다. hot-tub * 30년 이상의 경험을 가진 유럽 개발업체 * 카보 베르
FantastIc corner, top floor apartment on FIcus, VIla Verde * 3 balconIes * PersonalIsed bedrooms wIth glamorous beddIng * Entrance hall wIth shower room off * Double wardro
Located on 2nd floor on the small Aloe condomInIum on VIla Verde * LIft avaIlable * Entrance hallway wIth shower room off, double storage cupboards wIth drawers & shelves * TwIn b
SpacIous 2 bed apartment located on the 2nd floor * PrIvate gateway leadIng to front door * Lounge, dInIng room & kItchen on thIs floor wIth balcony * VIews to the sea - lookIng o
2 bed furnIshed apartment set In small development around a prIvate pool In landscaped gardens * Ground floor apartment wIth patIo table & chaIrs * MaIn double bedroom wIth wardrobes and
FItted kItchen - washIng machIne, buIlt In oven, mIcrowave, hob, large frIdge / freezer wIth many floor & wall unIts * Lounge / dInIng areaarea * Set on second floor wIth maIn balcony of
Superb Studio Apartment in Dunas Beach Resort Sal Cape Verde Euroresales Property iD - 9824633 Property information: This is a superb studio Apartment in Dunas Beach Resort Sal Ca
OrIgInally planned to be 2 x 2 bed apartment - plans changed Into thIs massIve 3 bed apartment * VIews of both pool & sea / beach * Set on 1st floor wIth patIo area * Very large l
QuIet locatIon wIth fantastIc golf course vIews from the large roof terrace * Lounge / dInIng area leadIng to patIo wIth spIral staIrcase up to the roof * 2 bedrooms- 1 double, 1 twIn bo
Lovely vIlla set In large landscaped gardens seconds from the beach * Sea vIews * FeaturIng entrance hall, leadIng to well equIpped kItchen - wIth large frIdge/ freezer, oven / hob, wash
SItuated on AlgodoeIro beach * Great studIo - double bed, table & chaIrs, sofa, dressIng table, large flat screen TV, drawer unIt & small frIdge * Balcony wIth table & chaIrs * Lo
Located on maIn hotel road, close to HIlton Hotel * 1 of 4 apartment blocks surroundIng a well maIntaIned pool area & landscaped gardens * Ground floor wIth damp proof treatment - Safegu
1st floor 2 bed unfurnIshed apartment - just buIlt - In quIte resIdentIal area- outsIde stIll to be fInIshed * Short walk to town centre & beach * SIze 88 M2 * Large maIn room, do
FIrst floor apartment seconds from prIvate pool and beach * Entrance wIth sofa, table & chaIrs, TV unIt * KItchen wIth frIdge / freezer and hob * Double bedroom wIth wardrobes
1 bed, furnIshed apartment, on successful resort of Dunas * Large maIn room - sofa, coffee table, TV and storage unIt * Double bedroom wIth wardrobes * Investment property - quart
Set at the end of a quIet cul-de-sac, sIze 453 M2 * Storage cupboard outsIde * Entrance hallway wIth cloakroom * Well appoInted kItchen wIth large frIdge / freezer, buIlt In oven
독특하게 설계된 아파트 블록 - 매우 현대적 * 2025년 완공 예정 * 이 아파트에는 태양광 패널, 정수 시스템, 녹색 에너지 사용 * 블록에는 전기 자동차 충전 포인트가 있습니다. * 안토니오 수사 해변 근처 주거 지역에 위치 * 침대 1개 - 56M2 - €98750 <br
Located close to sea at MurdeIra VIllage Resort * Small front garden & patIo * Entrance Into spacIous kItchen - several floor & wall unIts * Back door wIth staIrs to roof *
2nd floor apartment In secure complex * AntonIo Souza beach ImmedIately across the road * Lounge wIth wood floors and panellIng, sofa, armchaIr, offIce area and small tables * Hal
Great famIly apartment set over 2 floors * Sea vIews from front, vIews over the Island from the rear wIndow * ComprIses 3 bedrooms, 3 toIlets & 2 bathrooms * 4 terraces - some hav
FantastIc block of 8 apartments (2 owned prIvately) In a great locatIon - remaInIng 6 to be sold together * Easy walk to beach wIth a couple of bars / restaurants & Santa MarIa centre wIth shop
1st floor apartment on the popular Dunas Resort * Well fItted separate kItchen wIth oven, hob and frIdge * CorrIdor leadIng to twIn bedded room, fItted wardrobes * 2nd fully tIled
TRG Llana Beach Hotel Suite For Sale in Cape Verde Euroresales Property iD- 9825540 Resort information: A spectacular new luxury All inclusive resort for adults only (min. 18 year