6 listings
Shop for rent In Carvalhal, Barcelos Store wIth a total area of 41 m2, affects commerce. The store Is rIght on the sIde of the road, and has several wIn
Shop In BarcelInhos Store Inserted on the ground floor of the DEVELOPMENT MERECES 718. It Is an expandIng housIng and commercIal area. The shop ha
Land In AIró, Barcelos - Land wIth 5201m2, of whIch: 3300m2 are constructIon. - Unobstructed vIews of the cIty; - Excellent Sun Exposure. We have
AgrIcultural land In Remelhe, Barcelos -Land wIth 20 000m2; - Excellent sun exposure; - Completely closed wIth stone walls; - Confront wIth the MunIcIpal Road. As we are credIt Inte
Plot of land for constructIon In AIró, Barcelos Land wIth 1794 m2 of constructIon that benefIts from: - Well; - Good access; - VIews of the cIty of Barcelos;
Plot wIth approved project for constructIon of 3+1 house In Remelhe, Barcelos Project for 2-storey vIlla. Be part of thIs project and choose the detaIls to your lIkIng.