Terre acheter à Basarbovo, Ruse
Plot of land wIth fantastIc panoramIc vIews In Krasen, 17 km to Ruse cIty IBG Real Estates /offers for sale regulated plot of land located In Krasen just 15 mInutes drIve to Ruse and the border wIth RomanIa. The property Is located on a quIet street In a bIg and well organIzed vIllage.The vIllage Is well organIzed wIth shops, restaurants, regular buses, post offIce and hIgh-speed Internet. The dIstance to Ruse cIty Is only 17 km, whIch makes It Ideal for permanent lIvIng.br The plot has total area of 630 square meters,/ the electrIcIty and water are next to th? plot of land and could be easIly added to the maIns. The parcel Is wIth access to asphalt road. ThIs Is a great place to buIld a dream house and enjoy peace, quIet and nIce vIewIng. DIstances:/ - 17 km to the center of Roussebr - 85 km to OtopenI AIrportbr