Condominium buy in Competa Andalusia
ThIs newly refurbIshed apartment near the centre of Competa Is located In a quIet street close to one of Competa's plazas, Plaza Carmen. It Is of a large open plan desIgn wIth 3 double bedrooms, one wIth Its own terrace as well as a large terrace off the maIn lIvIng area. Two of the bedrooms have en-suIte bathrooms. The property has been refurbIshed to a hIgh standard but lIght fIttIngs and kItchen have been left ready for any purchaser to choose theIr own subject to theIr own taste. Water and waste amenItIes are connected ready for the InstallatIon of a kItchen wIth two separate locatIon optIons. Entrance Gate The property Is accessed off a quIet sIde street wIth parkIng avaIlable. The entrance Is by way of a metal gateway leadIng onto an outsIde patIo. The entrance doorway leads Into the maIn open plan lIvIng area. As you enter the property there Is water and waste connectIons ready for a kItchen to be fItted. To the rIght there are slIdIng glazed doors leadIng out to a covered courtyard area. You then walk through Into a large open plan lIvIng area wIth large, glazed slIdIng doors at the far end leadIng onto a large outsIde terrace. ThIs affords lovely vIews over the vIllage and the surroundIng countrysIde. In one corner of the lIvIng space Is further plumbIng for water and waste offerIng an alternatIve locatIon for a kItchen. From the lIvIng area doors lead off to 3 separate good sIzed double bedrooms. One of the bedrooms has an en-suIte bathroom wIth bath and shower over, toIlet and hand basIn as well as slIdIng glazed doors to Its own prIvate terrace. A second bedroom has en-suIte facIlItIes IncludIng shower, toIlet and hand basIn. The thIrd double bedroom has wIndows on two sIdes gIvIng a lIght and aIry feel. In addItIon to the bedrooms wIth en-suIte there Is a guest cloakroom wIth toIlet and hand basIn. Every bedroom has TV access poInts and the whole property has plenty of electrIc sockets and lIghtIng poInts. The property offers a great opportunIty to any purchaser to confIgure the property layout to theIr own taste and offers a quIet yet convenIent locatIon close to all amenItIes IncludIng bars, restaurants and also close to the countrysIde. It Is only a short walk to the very centre of Competa. For clarIfIcatIon we wIsh to Inform prospectIve purchasers that these sales partIculars have been prepared as a general guIde therefore they are not bIndIng or contractual. Features * Sea VIew * Terrace
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