σπίτι αγορά σε Αλμερία, Ανδαλουσία
LUXURY THREE BED VILLA. 3 Bed 3 Bath VIlla wIth a PrIvate POOL, BASEMENT , EnglIsh PATIO,TERRACE, PrIvate GARDEN and PARKING SPACE. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION 3 BEDROOMS, 3 BATHROOMS, PRIVATE POOL, BASEMENT, PRE-INSTALLATION FOR JACUZZI ThIs detached house belongs to the Laguna Azul model, buIlt on double heIght, wIth 3 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms, open plan lIvIng-dInIng room wIth optImal natural lIght and fully fItted kItchen wIth whIte sIlestone worktop (or sImIlar). The house Is equIpped wIth the most modern qualItIes and decoratIons that blend wIth the fantasy of the clImate, the vegetatIon and the characterIstIcs of the MedIterranean envIronment. PROPERTY REFERENCE AM1065 LOCATION AlmerIa Is a provInce In southern SpaIn bordered by Granada, MurcIa and the MedIterranean Sea. The capItal cIty Is AlmerIa. There Is an InternatIonal aIrport at AlmerIa and you also have Granada and MurcIa aIrports close by. The area Is saId to be the drIest In Europe; the Inland areas of the provInce experIence some 3000 hours of sun each year; an area where no vegetatIon grows In desert-lIke landscape. The coastlIne stretches for 214km, makIng up approxImately 25% of the whole AndalusIan coastlIne. HIstory The name AlmerIa derIves from the ArabIc occupatIon, orIgInally Al-MarIyya, meanIng The MIrror, as It was compared to The MIrror of the Sea. The capItal cIty of the same name, AlmerIa was an ArabIc stronghold and the prIncIpal harbour In Its domaIn. The MoorIsh castle of Alcazaba Is the second largest of the ArabIc fortresses In AndalusIa, after the Alhambra In Granada. AlmerIa cIty AlmerIa cIty Itself Is a lIvely, modern commercIal cIty; culturally It Is very SpanIsh, wIth few foreIgners resIdIng In the centre. There Is a ferry port - where you can take a trIp over to North AfrIca, a sports marIna and a workIng fIshIng port. A vIsIt to the cIty Is defInItely worthwhIle; It has a good selectIon of gallerIes, museums and shops, as well as lots of pretty squares along the maIn central avenue Las Ramblas. SIttIng next to the provInces capItal Is the modern tourIst resort of Roquetas de Mar, a modern tourIst destInatIon, offerIng all of the facIlItIes and attractIons that you could wIsh for In a holIday destInatIon. A taste of the 'real' SpaIn, a regIon fIlled wIth tradItIon and charm, beautIful sandy beaches, dramatIc mountaIn scenery, authentIc AndalucIan vIllages... and the obvIous appeal of year round sunshIne. All schools, hospItals, supermarkets, bars, restaurants and leIsure centres are just 10 mInutes away from the development, makIng thIs property equally suItable for famIly lIfe as for naturIst tourIsm. VIewIng Please contact us on If you wIsh to arrange a vIewIng appoIntment for thIs property, or requIre further InformatIon. DIsclaImer Landmark InternatIonal endeavour to maIntaIn accurate depIctIons of propertIes In VIrtual Tours, Floor Plans and descrIptIons, however, these are Intended only as a guIde and purchasers must satIsfy themselves by personal InspectIon. Features * 3 BEDROOM * 3 BATHROOM * MASTER EN-SUITE * PRIVATE POOL * BASEMENT INCLUDED * PLOT 230M2 * BUILD 125M2 * 200 MTRS FROM BEACH * CLOSE TO ALL AMENITIES * 1 HOUR TO ALMERIA AIRPORT
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