6 listings
ZU VERKAUFEN:\n\n\nSchuppen von etwa 800 Quadratmetern. mit separatem Eingang und eingezäuntem Grünbereich im Freien.\n\n\nPersonal-Toiletten, Doppelbüros, Besprechungsraum und Arbeitsumgebung im Erdg
FOR SALE: House pulled overhead, a few steps from the center in a beautiful little-trafficked area. The house consists of 2 units, one habitable and one to be restored, interesting possibility to se
ZU VERKAUFEN: Schuppen von etwa 800 Quadratmetern. mit separatem Eingang und eingezäunter Grünfläche im Freien. Personaltoiletten, Doppelbüros, Besprechungsraum und Arbeitsumgebung im Erdgeschoss;
SALESI: Schiavonia d'Este, about 1 km from the new hospital and comfortable at the St. Helena train station, land and project for the construction of a house with wide meters, rural style of 800 mc, r
FOR SALE: House pulled overhead, a few steps from the center in a beautiful little-trafficked area.\n\n\nThe house consists of 2 units, one habitable and one to be restored, interesting possibility to
SALESI: Schiavonia d\'Este, about 1 km from the new hospital and comfortable at the St. Helena train station, land and project for the construction of a house with wide meters, rural style of 800 mc,