8 listings
Main Building, Tenant to invest (renovation): 400 per sqm UMPI to invest (Renovation): 460 per sqm
المستودع (سقف منخفض): 180 المستودع (سقف مرتفع): 260 دفعة (اسمنت): 100 محل تصنيع يقع في الجزء الخلفي من المقصف يمكن استخدامها كمستودع أو قطعة أرض
Tenant to invest (renovation): 400 per sqm UMPI to invest (Renovation): 460 per sqm Training Office (2nd Floor) Located parallel to AVR Room
Production office inside Trim and Chassis, Main Building, Tenant to invest (renovation): 400 per sqm UMPI to invest (Renovation): 460 per sqm
Warehouse (low ceiling): 180 per sqm Warehouse (high ceiling): 260 per sqm Lot (cement): 100 per sqm Fabrication Shop Located back of Canteen Can be use as warehouse or lot